Looking at adding Scotty track to my Pungo for various gadgets but can that even be done?
sheet metal screws
for plastic see Mcmaster Carr
yes it is
I put about a 4"piece of the Scotty track on my touring kayak. I was only going to mount it temporarily and used a piece of a thick double sided tape 3M makes. I wanted to make sure the rod holder didn’t get in the way on my paddle stroke. That was 2 years ago and the tape is still holding it. Anyway to your question, if you have the dashboard thing that comes with new Pongo’s you should have no trouble mounting it. I would use a 8-32 or 10-32 nut and bolt just make sure they are not to long that would cut your legs. I will be mounting a piece of the track to my brother in-laws Pongo in the near future so let me know if you have any questions I can take some pictures when I’m done.
pics would be great
my pungo’s are older and didn’t come with the dashboard thing.
if you can post some pics that would be great.