I would like any information anyone has on the Lil wolf or St. Regis model canoes by adirondack canoe co. Any phone number or address where I can reach them. ? I want to buy one. I know there was an article about them in Canoe and Kayak mag. anyone remember… I lost my copy…
Paddle safe,
Lil Wolf canoe
Roger Hassler & his son, Kyle, built a small number of canoes in their garage in Childwold, NY, 12922
Roger’s an avid backwoods paddler & I often met him in 5 Ponds Wilderness.
Last I spoke w/ him Kyle had moved on & he was unable to continue production on his own. Believe he also spends large portion of Winter in FL but phone # listed is accurate or you could try snail mail.
Good luck. They’re nice boats & very reasonably priced. Just surprised my daughter w/ a fully restored one for Christmas
trip report
Hey Glen, are you gonna write up a trip report re: your Pesico-Hudson week? Cant wait for details.
Lil Wolf
Thanks buddy
I’ll try calling and let you know how I make out… thanks much… cant beat the price…