I have a Bending Branches Infusion + 215cm to 230cm adjustable paddle, but it's classified as a recreational paddle and I'm interested in an adjustable length touring paddle that would adjust from 215cm to 230cm for use on longer day trips or multi day trips. I know that Bending Branches has the Breeze + and I have read some positive feedback on it, but the BB adjustable ferrule can be a little awkward to to assemble in windy & wavy conditions (when I choose to switch paddles while under way), so I'd like to start a list of manufacturers of adjustable length kayak paddles.
An auction ended today on ebay for a Velocity Impetus Quiklok 215 to 230cm adjustable paddle which retails for $360, but I couldn't find any reviews or other feedback, so I didn't keep bidding. It sold for $178. It was brand new. The pictures of the blades weren't real good and the voyageur-gear web site didn't list it yet.
I'll start out with the ones that I'm aware of and would appreciate if others will add to the ones that I list. Please offer feeback as to the adjustment mechanism and the specific paddle / blade combinations that you've used.
I'll try to edit this first post with new options as people list them in the following posts:
Manufacturers / Brands:
Bending Branches "Plus"
Canoe Sports "Smart Shaft" http://www.canoesports.co.nz/
Simon River Sports (SRS)
Velocity "Quiklok"
Happy paddling.
adjusting paddles
Lendahl also makes a length adjusting paddle but it is only 10 cm (in 1 cm increments). I have one (bent shaft) as my two kayaks have different beams, although I find that I am using the shortest length in both with greater experience. I’ll likely switch back to a fixed length but keep the adjustable as a loaner. The Lendahl system makes it easy to customize and the interchangability of blades is a great feature.
There are also inserts which can extend the paddle length further, I believe nearly 20 cm.
Thanks for the Lendal info.
I’ll add that to the 1st post.
Epic Length Lock
I’ve got a Full Carbon Active Tour Epic Length Lock. Full range of adjustment for feathering and 10cm range of length adjustment.
I’ve been very happy with it. It is a simple sysyem that seems to work very well.
“Canoe Sports” in New Zealand
make the “Smart Shaft” which can be used to convert one piece paddles into two piece. It gives you aprox 10 cm of adjustment and the feather angle is infinitely variable. I have three of them on different paddles and have had no problems so far. I don’t know if anyone sells them in the USA but as they are small postage wouldn’t be much. You can see one at the bottom of this page http://www.adventureoutlet.com.au/paddles.htm and this is the manufacturers site http://www.canoesports.co.nz/ The joiners I have are NOT the one click type at the top of the page.
Simon River
Simon River Sports used to make a length-adjustable paddle. I haven’t been on their website lately, so I don’t know if they still do.
And another suggestion: If you have the Canoe&Kayak buyer’s guide, you can probably just look through the paddle section and get the information you are looking for.
Thanks for the Lendal, Canoe Sports &
Simon River Sports info. I have updated the first post.
The Canoe and Kayak Buyer’s Guide listings for some of the companies don’t identify the paddles as being adjustable length or “telescoping”, but some do, that’s why I’m asking here also. Some of the web sites aren’t up to date either.
I could only find one review on the Simon River Sports (SRS) paddles and it was unfavorable, so I’m leaning away from them unless others offer favorable feedback on them.
Thanks again for the info.
Please also offer feedback on the ease of operation and durability of the length adjustment mechanisms if you have personal experience with them.
lendal experience
I’ve only owned the variable length shaft for a year but find that that the variable feature is no different than the general lendal 'paddle-lok’system: it’s a secure, wobble free connection. I’ve never had it come loose, nor stick, but I paddle only in fresh water here in Chicago area. The use of the wrench/key compromises on the fly adjustments, but you can do it in normal (easy) conditions. There’s a little more weight but my other shaft is a fixed length straight, so the comparison isn’t perfect. It isn’t the lightest paddle I’ve ever picked up, but I think it is one of the sturdiest for it’s weight.
I have three blade sets, two carbon, the Kinetic touring and the Archipelago and the kinetic in the heavier carbon/glass version which I use when in more shallow rivers or rocky areas. The Archipelago is a more cruising paddle blade, typically a lower angle stroke and the Kinetic I use either for speed work or swifter water. I’m always trying something…
On my first kayak trip, I saw someone snap his ultra light paddle ushing off the bank, so the lendal system just seemed a good solution for that possibility. But I’ve never had or seen that happen to a lendal.
Any more feedback or suggestions?
Zestera Composites
(Key word) may be worth a look. I’m pleased with my paddle from them.
Never heard of Zestera. I’ll check into
them. Which model did you get?
Why adjustable?
Maybe it is lack of knowledge on my part, but I have a hard time understanding the adjustable length paddles.
I paddle an Impex Assateague, 22.5 inches wide and my paddle is a Werner Camano 220, the older stile with only two feathering positions. I also kayak-fish from an OK Prowler that is 28.5 inches wide.
There is a 6 inch difference in the width of these boats and I always use the same Camano paddle for both, I don’t hit my knuckles on the wider boat, it is just the right length for me, regardless which one of the two kayaks I’m paddling.
I understand that there are different paddle lengths that suit different paddlers, but once that is established, why would it be necessary to change the paddle length? Maybe for multi users, but then again, these paddles are not the ones you would choose to lend, these toys are rather expensive. My lending paddle is an $80.00 230cm rec. paddle that I bought with my first boat.
Thanks for your feedback DR.JB.
All feeback is appreciated. I will keep your advice in mind when deciding whether to go with a fixed length paddle or an adjustable version.
I got the
Classic blades & I recommend the fiberglass adjustable shaft.
It takes a while for all the transactions to take place since they are in the Czech Republic.