Advice on lightweight kayak for smaller adults and with a large cockpit for 40lb dog

Hello - We have used the Advanced Elements Tandem kayak for several years. It has served us well, but we are now wanting to get singles and also want to take our 40lb dog. I am on the smaller side at 5ft 130lb and my husband is around 5’8". I have been looking at the Eddyline Sandpiper. I love the size of the cockpit and the carry weight. I prefer the sit-in as I feel more comfortable. Anyone have the Sandpiper? Is it good for smaller adults? Would you recommend something else? I am in the Columbus Ohio are and they are hard to find around here locally. REI has Eddyline on sale currently, but the Sandpiper is out of stock. Any advice would be appreciated.

Welcome to the group. Where do you paddle? Big water? Rivers? Ponds?

Typically we paddle in streams & reservoirs. Fairly calm waters. Our local reservoir has a 10MPH boat limit, so minimal wakes.

I have a Sandpiper (12’ version) and a Skylark now, and have had other Eddyline models over the years. The primary paddler of my Sandpiper is about 5’7" and 150 lbs. Being a bit shorter and lighter would be no problem, esp with a pooch. I hope you can find one to test. It’s the best way to choose what will work for you. I believe Rutabaga Paddlesports (Madison, WI) has a few in stock. That’s a long haul for you, but you can test any boat on-site at your convenience. That’s worth a lot in my book.

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It’s worth looking at the Hurricane Santee Sport 116, Hurricane Kayaks, Santee 116 Sport [Paddling Buyer's Guide]


My wife and I are experienced kayaks in our 80’s and have a Warren Lightcraft 15.5, a Pygmy Coho and a Pygmy Arctic Tern, and two drop stitch inflatables(Sea Eagle Razorlite and a Ittywitt-500). The performance of the drop-stitch inflatables is so good that we are gradually replacing use of our hard kayaks with them. I recommend the Sea Eagle Razorlite kayak as it has lots of room for your dog. I don’t recommend the tandem version Sea Eagle Razorlite as its sides are so high that it is hell trying to paddle in a stiff head wind(too much wind drag).

don’t get rid of that Warren Lightcraft 15.5 (assume the ‘Little Wing’).
When I ‘self-prescribed’ myself lightweight kayaks (after back went out), the Little Wing was the first lightweight I bought (28lbs).
I put a lot of miles on it - including many ocean miles (no longer have it).
Though, it is not what the op is looking for.

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I agree with this post. Definitely worth a look.

There’s a shop in Dayton listed as a dealer. And a few others around Ohio. Maybe they rent them so you could try it out? Can’t hurt to ask! The
Hurricane Santee Sport version, as he said above, and look at the 124 size. Would be fit you and a large dog. We see several out on the rivers with dogs in them. Great kayaks. We have 4 of them.

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Thanks for letting me know about the Hurricane Santee Sport! I hadn’t heard of it before and it sounds like a good option. Dayton is only about an hour away,too.