Advice on the Curr. Designs "Sirocco"?

Hi, y’all!

I’m an intermediate-level kayaker about to buy his first boat… One of my buddies has a plastic Current Designs “Sirocco” touring kayak that I really LOVE to paddle. It’s big enough that I don’t get claustrophobic (sp?), but still paddles pretty easily. Also, there’s plenty of room for gear. I’m mainly gonna use it for overnight camping trips on the lakes here in the up-state, but I’d like to get something versatile enough for a little ocean paddling when I go to the beach.

I’d like to go with what I know - do y’all think I’m making a mistake if I go with this boat?


it’s a good kayak
some don’t like it’s bow burying ability in big waves,I’d prefer it’s skeg was more effective for weathercocking,I think some folks had problems in the beginning with bulkheads coming loose. But I’d still pick it over an Avatar or Tempest.

Good boat, but I would also…
recommend the P&H Capella RM166. If your concerned about being confined, it seems these two boat would be a good match. While I believe the Avatar and Tempest are good kayaks, they seem to fit a little tighter than the CD and the P&H. You didn’t mention your size and what features you are looking for, so I’m not sure what else to recommend. You know you like the Sirocco, so try all others before you buy. Be careful not to settle on one without trying a few others.

Hmm - are those plastic, or glass?
I’m not too terribly big - 5’11" and 180lbs - but the “fits like a glove” kayaks drive me NUTS after I’m in there for more than ten minutes or so… Something about not being able to move my legs around really gets to me after a while. The Sirocco has a big enough cockpit that I can stretch them comfortably.

Also, my rolling technique is a bit hit-or-miss, so I’d like to have a big cockpit in case the “wet exit” becomes a necessity! Getting hung up underwater is a real nightmare of mine…

I’m not familiar with those other kayaks - are they rotomolded plastic, as well? With all the rocky beaches in our upstate lakes, I’m a bit leery of trying to beach a fiberglass kayak without beating the hell out of it…

I love mine. I have had it since the first year it was available. The outfitter that I work for uses them for guides and instuctors. It is a very fun boat to paddle. I have had it out in 25-35 knot winds and 8 foot swells. I enjoy it in the surf too.

I had the bulkhead problem. I siliconed them.

I have a loose seat. I put closed cell foam on both sides and replaced the backband with closed cell foam as well.

I would reccomend it on just the hull alone!


I didn’t appreciate the Capella the first time I paddled it on flat water in one of Annapolis sheltered ‘creeks’. When I was in it a short time out at the ocean I immediately liked it. A keeper.

It’s a very popular boat,
and you will probably get it for a really good price. Since you love it, I think it would not be a mistake to buy it as your first boat.

Love that kayak
Have had one for two years and done a bit of everything in it. I am the same size as you

(inch shorter, but will deny that in public!)

and once I threw some hip pads in (my 2nd year with it) I felt like I could make it dance.

Never had problems with the bulkheads either.

I have also done quite a bit in the glass Capella. Another fun boat. Both are great for the ocean or for camping, although the Capella definitely loses some of it playfulness when loaded down with camping gear.

I like the scirroco so much it is sometimes a tough choice on whether to take it out or my Greenlander Pro.

Like they mentioned, try other kayaks as well, and

happy paddlin


Thanks for the feedback, everybody!
Thanks for the feedback!

I’m really leery of fiberglass boats because of where I’ll be paddling - in the lakes up here like Hartwell, it’s really, really hard to find a nice sandy beach to pull up on. More likely, I’ll have to “bang” it into a rocky, stump-strewn red-clay shore…

I appreciate the comments about trying different boats, though. I’m just not sure how I’m gonna pull that off…

pull it off
It really is worth making an effort to paddle a number of boats before you buy. It is a good reason for a road trip. You may also find paddlers within reach who may have interesting boats they would let you try.

The Sirocco is a good boat, but if you like it, you should try other Brit style boats. The Sirocco is beamier and higher decked than most such boats.

Composite boats are not fragile. If you are genuinely worried you could always find a real Brit boat which is made to withstand hard use and rocks. Explorers come up used often. There are also a few Aquanauts deeply discounted right now.

If you really wish to stick to plastic, try the new plastic Valley Aquanaut. A couple of inches longer than a Sirocco, a few inches narrower and should be a fun boat.

As far as fit, at 5’11" and 180, you are the target size for a vast number of boats.

Yep - it’s the logistics…
Maybe I AM being too much of a “fraidy-cat” about the glass boats. I’m a “poor boy”, and this kayak is gonna have to last me a while, so I was wanting to get something as durable as possible. But, on the other hand, having a long-lasting boat that I find out I don’t want isn’t a good thing, is it?

I’ll keep my eyes open for other boats to paddle, but my problem is that the only other touring-boat afficionado I know is my buddy with the Sirocco! Every other paddler I’ve run into around here is a whitewater kayaker - it’s just a lot more popular.

The local shop has touring boats, but the manager is a REALLY agressive salesman. I went in once, to see what was offered, and got the “hard-sell” - I thought I was gonna have to swear to buy a boat just to get outta there! He must have asked me four times “what it would take to sell me a boat today”. I haven’t gotten attention like that since the last time I stepped onto a used-car lot…

All the more reason
to do a bit of travelling. Find another Shop.

The P & H Capella RM
is a plastic boat.

I’m not familiar with the Siroco but the plastic Capella is worth checking out.

Buy a used plastic boat…
There have been some great suggestions put out in this thread as far as boats go. I personally believe you would find the Valley aquanaut to be considerably more “agressive” than the Sirocco and the Capella. Now, on to a touchy subject: Fiberglass or Plastic. It is my belief that in your case you should start out with a used (or deeply discounted new) plastic boat. There are many reasons for this, but among them are: Very little maintenance with a plastic boat. You can improve your skills in all conditions and with all safety manuevers without being concerned about damaging or scratching your boat. Plastic boats are more forgiving to “improvised” racks, until you can afford a quality set. Also, since this is your first boat, you have to understand that this is far from your last boat (law of nature, I think.) Save yourself some serious change on this boat so you can save up for your ultimate composite boat later. Who knows, you may be in a composite Nordkapp within 2 years. The new plastic boats are much different than even those built 7 or eight years ago. I have moved from plastic to fiberglass, and just purchased a brand new plastic boat–poly simply makes more sense in my particular case, you may decide the same.