Aesthetics vs Visibility

Thistleback – Are you a redhead? :wink:

Nope, but I’ve thought about it!

I wish…
some one would make a flamingo pink hull to match my helmet. It’s not only visible but it screams at your sensibilities! :slight_smile:


No flamingo,

– Last Updated: Nov-22-04 11:54 AM EST –

but Krylon lists "Fairytale Pink" as one of the Fusion colors. There's also "Fresh Salmon" in the enamels, but you'd have to watch out for the seals...

Maybe I “touch up” the Boogie. I figure with the venom, at some point, I’ll need a gelcoat job. At that point, I’ll do something with the white hull. :slight_smile:

My SOF is probably okay. It’s this translucent skin color… Yeaachh.


“Flaming -Go” Pink?
That could sell locally on a couple levels.

White hulls
As X15 noted,most composite kayaks have white hulls and if the sh… really hits the fan it’ll be upside down in the whitecaps and you’ll be swimming.I have installed a black gelcoat/fibreglass keelstrip on both my composite boats which should catch the eye of a rescuer better than all white ,serves a dual purpose. I read somewhere the reason why the manufacturers favour white hulls but I can’t remember where I read it. Cheaper or easier to layup? Anyone know why?

This is a very thought provoking thread and in summary it seems that the more incongrous you are in relation to the natural environment the easier you would be to spot by rescuers.


Some reasons for white
Easier to color match repairs.

Easier to spot minor damage early.

Shows scratches less.

Goes with any deck/trim color.

Looks like a “boat” (percieved quality, etc.)

The Advantage Of
Flamigo Pink… Only “Kittens” and I would dare paddle it (Okay, maybe John Waters too). Nobody else would touch, never mind steal… :slight_smile:


My last hang glider had a fuchsia & royal blue undersurface, white upper surface, white leading edge. I thought it looked sharp, especially when the sun coming through the wing lit up the colors.

Talk About “Flying Colors!” :slight_smile:

Be Careful - Color Affects Performance!
Apparently, someone at Maine Island Kayak Company reported research that showed that the kayak color you choose impacts your boat’s performance. To read the results, visit:

I don’t agree with the results, but facts are facts!

Submarines are Black!
I guess that’s why they paint submarines black–they want them to stand out?