Advice needed. This is a very embarrassing situation. It could have been deadly.
With 20 years of paddling in freshwater and saltwater environments, I thought I was ready for everything until three days ago.
I was in my Loon 16T kayak, two hours into a planned 8 hour SOLO trip through the mangrove islands of Florida’s central gulf coast. I ALWAYS wear my PFD.
I decided to stop for lunch in about a foot of water near some mangroves. The bottom was silty.
I was in the back seat and reached for something in the front seat. It was like watching in slow motion as I lost balance and rolled out of the kayak, swamping it in the process; it did not capsize, but did fill completely with water.
I’ve snorkeled from this kayak many times, so entering and exiting had always been a routine, simple matter.
In over 20 years of kayaking, I had never fallen out of this kayak.
But this time I instinctively tried to stand and my legs went into the muck halfway up my thighs before stopping on a more solid surface. It was about a foot of water and I immediately started bailing.
I then tried to move and my legs seemed hopelessly stuck in the muck! With great effort, I raised one and took a step, only to sink in and get stuck again. All this time, I was looking for gators! Oh, the tide was also rising.
Looking for a way to get out of the muck, I managed to get one shin onto the surface of the muck, and then the other. This took a LOT of effort; i mead A LOT of effort, and my legs and back still hurt today. I managed to bail out more of the water, and crawled toward a cluster of weeds/grass that I used for support to “step” into the kayak.
I cut my day trip short and paddled 90 minutes back to the kayak launch.
BTW. My phone and my GPS were in waterproof cases, so I could have called for help if needed along with my coordinates. The area is pretty remote and other boats passing by was unlikely.
So, I made it out OK, but I’ve since been worrying about this. I had no idea just how tight a grip muck could have on your legs! Luckily, my feet found a firmer surface before sinking down further. I always wear my PFD, so drowning wasn’t a real concern unless the pull of the muck could hold me down as the tide rises. The biggest concern was a gator coming by. They were extremely rare in the saltwater bayous but I often paddle on rivers where they are plentiful.
So how would you get out of such a “sticky” situation? I ALWAYS carry a spare paddle, and considered sacrificing it to the muck for a surface to step on. I also bring an extra cushion to sit on; maybe it could help?