Another Big Guy Kayak recommendation?

The wife and I bought our first kayaks last year and I really been enjoying it,I just bought my daughter one,but my son is now wanting one. The problem is I know he’s not going to go all the time when we good,he’s either away at friends,or just being a snotty teenager and not want to go for the hell of it etc.

So I dont see the point of buying a kayak just for him that might not get that much use,So I was thinking of getting me a back up or different style of kayak that I can also use. Im 6’1 275lbs and I have a 14’ Pungo that I love.

We go on inland lake and slow/still rivers. But thought maybe it would be nice to go on some mild moving rivers as I know my pungo does great on flat strait waters but doesnt turn the greatest,So I was thinking of a Dagger axis 12’ or maybe a SOT like the ride,but not sure if I would like a SOT or not. I always liked the look of the aspire 10.5 also.

Well given the situation,What do you think a good second yak would be good for me? Thanks!

CD Solara 135

I wouldn’t have gotten my daughter one without getting my son one too. that’s just asking for it, lol! Besides, he might fall in love with it and then you’ll have the whole gang out on the water with you. jmho

The Story
It wasnt intentional and we even asked him if he wanted one,He said he no,but he will take something else. So I said No and he said and I quote and dont mean to offend anyone “But Kayaking Is Gay” I know he was probably just kidding around and just being a bratty teenager but long story short,The girl got a kayak.

So im planning a couple of camping trips,and like I said I dont want to leave him out if he wants to go,but im getting a spare kayak that I can also use.

Any suggestions?

How much does your son weigh?
If this is really your kayak then get a maneuverable kayak that fits you. Like I said check out Solara 135 w or without rudder.