Another Kind of Surf Action

Had high hopes that Fiona ( like Earl) would provide some good swells for a waveski session. Unfortunately, she seriously sped up towards the Canadian Maritimes once she got passed Bermuda. Combined with a cold front that came over New England from the west, we had a huge NW wind gradient that looked to blow out and dampened the easterly swells.

So it was this AM. Strong 25 knot plus NW winds. While swells were making it through, it would be extremely hard paddling to get on a wave and not get blown off the backside.

So instead of the waveski, i brought along a surf rod. Good choice. Caught a couple hard fighting schoolies.



(Some swells are likely in the coming week given all the tropical activity out in the Atlantic right now.)


A schoolie is a striped bass?

The smaller stripers tend to “school” together. The bigger ones – aka “cows” – tend to be more solitary.
