there is so many cool yaks out there but there kinda high but the good thing is ya still can dream about them. and still have fun with my cheap yak
we all started with the el cheapos, but
if you want to go faster and longer you sooner or later will migrate to a higher end one.
jack L
im addicted to going fast
still have my heart on a carolina 14 footer
You have to go four feet longer if
– Last Updated: Sep-07-10 10:25 PM EST –
you are addicted to speed, and think lighter than plastic
Jack L
coool at least i know what to look for
the yak i have is ok though but i know ill get to wanting something better
build them
You might try learning to build them, try
I can build a decent SOF (skin on frame) kayak for under $200. Can have lots of toys for not much cash this way.
Bill H.