I’d been carrying on a DM exchange with another P.commer regarding the Solo Canoe Rendezvous here in western PA that he and his wife are flying here to attend today. We’d shared contact information in the P.com direct messages but when I went into my message archive today so I could find his phone number, I found that my message archive is empty. I will see them once I get to the rendezvous later today, but was hoping to touch base before then to coordinate. They are planning to camp so I was going to bring a couple of extra boats so we could paddle at the nearby larger lake at some point, also wanted to see if they needed me to bring any other camping gear since I am driving from nearby.
So kind of a bummer to not be able to locate those messages, also wondering why that portion of my account was cleared out. A few of my own outgoing messages to them showed up, but none of their responses.