Another Surf Entry

For those of you that enjoyed the last one, here is the same paddler, different wave,diferent beach on a typical Shellback adventure here in the Pacific Northwest. Excellent photo by Steve Scherrer AKA flatpick. Go to “Russ Takes one for the Team” at

The file was so large that I initially only saw the guy in the foreground throwing the low brace. Then I scrolled over to the right…

So did he punch through or get trashed?

he’s surfin’
in. he knew he was in a bad place, looked behind him and just held on as the wave overcame him.

basically it just pushed him straight down as it landed on top of him and the boat, a kevlar prototype Tempest/170. it did crack the gelcoat a bit, but nothing structural and no human-body damage!


this shot is featured in this months Adventure Kayak magazine and the new Wildy catalog.

btw- the guy in the foreground is our very own falcon, Chris Mitchell!


Surf entry
Some of us are starting to think that sharing a wave with Russ is a dangerous pastime as he seems to attract the out-of-nowhere breaks. In all other categories, however he is a great guy. We will continue to have the camera ready whenever he is on the water.

what a great photo
i love surprises!