Anybody to test new dual thruster motor in Fort Meyers area?

We are going to test our new invention to get feedback on the product. It’s Pacmotor. Dual thruster joystick controlled motor for fresh and salt water. We have fully functional prototype and we love it : )

But we want to have real life experiment with kayakers who see use our product for the first time and see what they feel about it.

We are in Fort Meyers, FL. Let me know if we can make small group and have some fun.


We paddle here. :laughing:


Sure : ))

You can easily switch between paddle/motor modes. We love paddling too.

I think you just missed the point.
By miles.

Do not need a stinking motor on the back of my sea kayak.


@Celia Looks like you don’t want to join : )

Hold your breath till I arrive.

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If I wanted duel thrusters, I’d just buy another propeller thingie and another rechargeable drill! :slight_smile:

Seems like the wording is suspect. No thanks.

If you search youtube enough for canoe stuff, eventually these things start showing up on your feed. Admittedly it would be fun to show up with one for a group paddle. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I paddle to get away from motors.

Talk like Borat for purpose make promotion kayak motor?

LMAO…perfect observation.

Alex, I’m curious, what happens if you capsize with this motor going?

I got motor and built a skiff to put it on. Rather than canoe or kayak.

I don’t want any stinkin, noise maker on the back of any canoe of mine. Or a kayak either; if I had a kayak, which I don’t…

Just another expensive gadget to scare off the wildlife, and be a nuisance to “paddlers”.

No thanks…

I wouldn’t put one on my kayak, but if I were in Ft. Myers I’d go try it out…