Anyone Around Northfield NH want to do some practicing on Bow Lake?

Looking for some people who might be interested in rescue practice at Bow Lake or nearby week nights…630 ish…loose schedule…

Or even to do individual self rescue practice as a group.

I’ve never been to Bow Lake. What is it like? Maybe some day down the line I’ll check it out. There’s a few NH people on here though. It’s a little far for me and on weeknights I work.

65 feet deep, pretty clear, Independence Inn has all sorts of microbrews.

The person who sold me my new kayak said there was a good lake near Deerfield.

I think there are alot more Kayakers south of Manchester but maybe there’s a Portsmouth crowd.

Most likely there are. I’m focusing on the area west of Route 3 and south of 89. I hit 4 places today: Dublin Pond, Thorndike Pond, Howe Reservoir, and Edward McDowell Reservoir. There are some places more east I’d like to go to like Island Pond and Canobie Lake.