Anyone else itching to go kayaking? (virus or not)

I see no reason not to paddle now. Even with others. just stay away from them. No car pool one way paddles though. Closing of launches is called no common sense from leaders. I have paddle many times in the past few weeks and will continue more once the weather gets better here.

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Wow, your grass is green down there!

How do your neighbors feel about being forbidden from using their motorized boats? Not happy I imagine.

Medawgone, that’s the situation here in Wisconsin also, though the medical issues can’t really be cleanly divided in Covid/non-Covid. That was brought into clear focus for me just recently.

Day before yesterday a friend of mine had a heart attack and passed away 11 hrs later after never regaining consciousness. His long time partner, though imunocomprimised, waited during this time in a hospital that was filling with Covid patients. As I understand it, at least some of his six kids traveled to be there as well, hoping that he might regain consciousness and possibly be put on the road to recovery, as so many heart attack patients are these days. It was the decent thing for all of them to do, wrong to do otherwise, yet we can all see there could be consequences… for the grandkids even.

Remember back in the old days when things seemed so much simpler? Two months ago…

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thanks for posting the TED on Cloud Appreciation Society…

Well, you’re welcome… hope it brings a little respite for some of us while we’re not paddling, or are paddling less. Sure is strange not seeing contrails all over the place. Haven’t seen skies like this since 911. Welcome to the Pnet (well, it used to be) gallery.

Navy is still flying. Been one doing touch and goes all day.

Yup, there is still some flying going on around here also. In the local news yesterday I saw we are now going to have F-35s instead if F-16s for the air guard chapter here, but they aren’t here just yet. I saw a med flight helicopter today and a military chopper of some kind in the distance a couple days ago. Saw a Cessna also. But it sure isn’t like it used to be. None left a contrail, of course. Its not impossible that there might be a jet liner from Chicago heading by at altitude, but it sure isn’t like it was a couple months ago.

We had two sitting out by the fire pit. Here’s one. Normal would be ten.

stay home - means stay home -unless you need food or meds - don’t put anyone at risk because you"need" to Kayak -

Got to enjoy the local river, today.Cool , windy and choppy. Not a single power boater, on the river today.

Yes we’ve had several mornings with snow and it looked like this yesterday (Friday) morning. It’s good snow; pretty and then it goes away quickly. This coming week looks to be quite nice.

Lovely scene, even considering the date. Happy that stayed down there. Still have a few snowbanks up here that need to melt.

Today would have been a lovely day to paddle were it not for gale force winds.

Good for you. What was the water temperature? So what do you wear a drysuit or wetsuit with a spray skirt? I am new to cold water kayaking. Thanks Stephen Arnold.

In this case I wore a dry suit and spray skirt … I always wear the latter. My kayak is an NDK/SKUK Explorer. I also have a Farmer John wet suit which I wear later in the year when I start solo rolling practice. The water temperature was 43 degrees Fahrenheit; it is now 47 and may reach 72 or so in August.

pfft. My home is on a lake. Why can I not use my dock? BTW I resent being told that I am elderly and because of that frail. I don’t have many years left by the statistics so I am not going to join God’s waiting room that easily.


KM , we’re about the same age. Elderly? Maybe when I’m 80.

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I scratched the itch today. By going when it was too early for the crowd-happy morons, and on a day of cool, cloudy, unsettled weather, I had the place to myself other than one guy riding his horse along shore when I started, plus a grand total of three fishermen (one on shore and two tightly hugging it in bellyboats). The law requires keeping 150’ away from fishermen, so social distancing was more than satisfied.

The water level has been rising, and “Sometimes Arm” was passable today. A patrolling Eared Grebe starting to show breeding plumage greeted me. I saw him numerous times, as well as a smaller, nonbreeding one. Lots of Clark’s Grebes and American Coots on the main body. No loons today.

As I neared the end of the arm, the water began to smell of fish and algae, not a pleasant odor. Just then, a Great Blue Heron took off. The little drop falls was roaring.

A mini-squall with suddenly higher wind and raindrops escorted my last half-mile or so back.

It was GOOD to paddle. Woo hoo, I’m up to a whopping TWO times this spring. Another reservoir that was scheduled to open for nonmoto boating last week postponed till an as-yet-undetermined date.

Never stopped. My area never closed boat ramps unless they were in State parks. Considered it proper social distancing activity.
Just went yesterday and going to the Okefenokee swamp on Saturday

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I really need to get out there! Thought about going last weekend, but there are lines to get into the few stores that are open and I need an invasive species permit. I should see if I can order the stickers online. Not going out kayaking or camping is costing me money. Last weekend when I should have been on the water, I ended up finding a 69 ford highboy truck to work on! Way cheaper to be on the water!

Yes! I’m ready to go paddling! My paddle partner is 76 and we haven’t been able to hang out because of the virus. I’m so desperate to paddle I’ve started to look for a used boat that I can take out and carry solo. Fingers crossed I can get something reasonable that can perform!