Looking for a partner in a kayak tour business. Looking for someone to handle the physical and and do the physical guiding and day-to-day operations no investment required only knowledge and determination guarantee income
I already have a job, and have donated my body to science. All I have to do is submit to something called an autopsy after the study ends.
Eating chicken nuggets is above and beyond.
Can I carry my gun though?
I am very askeeerd of bears
Everybuddy is skeart of baars.
Yea but I won’t even sleep in a tent in Canada. It’s out of the question. Sharks any day, bears, nope
We saw 4-5 bears on every hike in Alaska. This was in town.
Alaska has a short tourist season of really only 3 months. What do you do the rest of the year?
Bears are a way of life in Alaska. Get used to them being around or don’t go there.
Definitely seasonal though we get 1.6 million passengers pass through. They are only here about eight hours and move on. We get solid five months of 4-6 Ships a day it used to be like 3 for sure when I first starting coming to Alaska in 99. Lots of bears, I see bears multiple times per week and sometimes long stretches of daily sightings. I was a fisherman for 25 years now on a few small businesses hoping to add kayaking to that this coming year meaning 2026.
What town? Have you scoped a location for a base and padding routes?
Why are you talking like this when @szihn offered to make you some Custom Hand Loads purpose built for Bear Protection for your Redhawk and last I heard from him you didn’t even get back to him?… One day I will understand Women and I think it will kill me. If anyone can help me let me know.