We have tandem canoes down in the mid 30s, solos well under 30 and solo pack canoes under 20 pounds. I appreciate OT has designed a moderm, tumblehomed pack canoe hull and tried to outfit it to modern standard, but the hull material is way, way, too heavy as is the 6lb seat; Next is "SuperSized", roughly three times the weight of it's competition.
Next is a pack canoe by design, with low seats and foot braces, meant to be paddled with a double paddle. I don't know Next's MSRP, but Adirondack Canoe Company, Hornbeck and SlipStream all make pack canoes $1000 to $1500 that weigh below twenty pounds.
Next I ordered one from Austin Kayak it is being delivered tomorrow. I am use to using a Hobie Mirage Adventure 16ft with pedal drive so this ought to be an interesting transition. I live around a lot of lakes and want to take my dogs with me so I will give it a try asap and get back on here and give it a review.
Touched One Yesterday Sure was a purty color of blue, but felt as heavy as my royalex Wenonah Prospector 15? Seat and foot braces look very comfy, but the wife and I noted that keel down the middle, not a good feature for bumping rocks and logs on rivers. Still in all, it looks like a significant step up from the Pelicans et al you find in the big box stores?