Anyone purchased from

I wanted to reply to this thread as a direct source to clear up the air. We did drop the ball on Candace’s order but it wasn’t intentional, we just had never shipped a kayak before. I admit we failed to provide above and beyond customer service and I apologize for that.

We have our kayaks on our site so local customers can see what is available for purchase in store. We just opened our brick and mortar in May and Candace was the first person to ever buy a kayak from us online which was exciting but stressful. Our customer service rep didn’t know how to handle it so she didn’t reply at the time since we were all trying to figure what to do. I had never shipped a kayak so I reached out to our kayak rep for Confluence (Dagger, Perception, Wilderness System) to ask what the best method was to ship a kayak and he actually suggested we just ship directly from Confluence because we wouldn’t have to pull from our store stock and they had better freight programs and could get it there easier, safer and faster. By the time we got all this lined up, it took too long and we failed to communicate to Candace in a timely manner.

We got the ordered refunded immediately but really want to make it up to Candace in some way. So if you see this, please reach out to the email we sent you as we want to prove we can be a great gear company (and blank/custom hats as well).

Nevertheless, we have learned as a company and made changes to ensure this never happens again.


Good of you to come clean. Hope you can get it right and make a go of it.

Jeez, what next, are you going to show up at my front door?!

Since you went public with this, here’s a copy-and-paste of my email reply to you:

“We have our kayaks on our site so local customers can see what is available for purchase in store.” If this is true, then why is it (still) possible to order a kayak for delivery? I just went to the site and walked through the steps to order that same boat for delivery to my zip code. It still says “LTL kayak shipping” is $149. It appears nothing has changed, despite repeated claims by R&R that they never intended to ship kayaks to customers.

“Just those dang kayak’s being so big it really puzzled all of us on how to get them to you…” Again, why did you offer a shipping option if you had no idea how to go about it? The $149 freight shipping charge was built into the ordering process. How did you even determine that was the right amount to charge? Was it simply a guess? It’s lower than what other retailers charge (I ultimately paid $349), which was what enticed me to overcome my initial hesitancy and order from R&R.

There simply is no excuse for ignoring me as R&R did. I reached out via every available channel: email, Facebook, Instagram, and even LinkedIn. A quick message explaining you all were trying to arrange a direct shipment would have made the all the difference. As I stated in my earlier reply (which, true to form, no one ever responded to), if R&R had told me what was going on I would almost certainly have gone along with it.

Actually, I wasn’t completely ignored. My various messages resulted in a few assurances that someone would update me. Including repeated promises in Instagram messenger. Promises I knew were empty, since they never asked for the order number!

What exactly is the point of these repeated messages from R&R to me? Are you trying to get me to take down or at least soften my reviews? I’m curious why you think one bad review is going to sink you. That concern was also expressed in the first so-sad message.

You want to make this up to me? A good start would be to reimburse me the $123.05 difference between what I ultimately paid, and what it would have cost for me to get the same boat from R&R. Then, back up your statements by removing the kayak shipping option from your website. Or at least make it clear it will be shipped from the supplier, not from R&R, then make sure the supplier will keep customers updated on their shipment. Last, put your damn phone number out there. It isn’t even on your website. Even my credit union couldn’t find a phone number for your company (one reason why they recommended I file a dispute).


Welp, this seemed to be a front-burner issue for Kyle. Yet it’s been more than a week since I replied to him (via email and here), and there’s been no response of any kind.

For context, I received the first so-sad messages from R&R in early September. Specifically, via Instagram messenger on September 6, then the same message via Facebook messenger on September 13. I replied on Facebook messenger but never got a response.

Nothing has changed, either. Still no phone number available. It’s still possible to initiate an online order for a kayak, using an out-of-state address, and get the same $149 quote for LTL freight shipping.

I’ll stand by my one-star reviews.

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Understandable why you’d stand by your poor review. Maybe they’ll get their act together and maybe they won’t.h

They won’t.

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