16’, definite curve to the stems, absolutely no rocker. I looked on the Wenonah website and didn’t see it in current production or retired. Not my boat, but I paddle it frequently with a friend who had it given to him by another friend who used it at a racing boat. Just wondering what model it is.
No serial number plate on it? That would lead to an ID.
The recurved bow and stern look a lot like the original 1965 Wenonah, the first canoe that they produced. It was glassed wood strip. This 2011 catalog has a blurb on it and that year they were re-issuing the boat as a 17’ in modern layups. Do the dimensions in this catalog match his boat?
Willowleaf - it looks exactly like that boat. Next time a see it I’ll look at the serial number. I think it is older than 2011, probably fiberglass, maybe 17’.
Couldn’t help but notice that Dave added and deleted a post. Since I hammered him pretty bad on PFD’s yesterday, I wondered why. Sure enough in the picture above, there is my most frequent paddling companion sitting in the back of the boat without a PFD. Not sure what you were going to say Dave, but I probably deserved it…
You got it. I made a smarta** comment, and decided better of it.
I have no idea about the model of canoe, but I like the lines.
Might be a Spirit although the recurve isn’t as pronounced. The remains of my memory thought that Wenonah had sold a ‘Seliga’ but that’s Northstar.
The stems on the Spirit 17 look too plumb. The classic Wenonah was the only long tandem I could see in their catalogs that had such a pronounced recurve.
Eckilson: If you grab a tape and check the length, take into account the recurve – the canoe may have a 17’ waterline but the tip to tip will be less than that.
It has to be the classic Wenonah - it looks just like it. I’ll be interested to find out the date on the serial number.
You’re in the right place to be paddled now!
We had it out on Saturday - far right in this picture
Its a great boat. Tractor seats, bent shaft paddles, sit and switch - fast but doesn’t turn particularly well. That’s probably a function of having the heavy weight (me) in the front. Is that one of those unwritten rules of paddling – boat owner paddles in the stern.
Another thing that makes me wonder about its age – no air chambers in the bow or stern. There was foam there at one point – probably for floatation, also as a footrest in the bow. It has come unglued over time. We should probably replace the foam. It would be more comfortable in the front, and I’d hate to have the boat sink…
It looks like an Echo. 16’?