Apple Line canoe Identification quiz

Anybody out there happen to have an old Apple Line model list or a great memory. I have a 16’-0 1/2" Apple Line tandem ww canoe without HIN. Center depth about 14". Soft chines, flat bottom, 6 or 7" rocker, big radius at the cutwater, vertical stems, about 22" deep bow and stern, appears symetrical…
Layup is glass exterior layer over Kevlar interior. No jellcoat, tinted resin (greenish yellow), patch of core material about 10" wide and 5’ long in the bottom. 35 1/4" portage yoke of primitive design (possibly original). slender mahogany gunwales, cane seats hung with 3" carriage bolts (appear to be original).
Looks like a Millbrook AC DC (Apple Line, Meister) but the length seems a little short and there is no hint of a mold seam on either stem.
Decals: Apple Line logo decal and decal with the word Apple in the same font with letters about 2" high. Both stuck on midships an inch or so below the rails.

Not sure if this will be at all helpful, but here’s a thread on Apple Line from 2005:

Another thread from 2013:

Thanks, Rookie

some careful measurement reveals it is asymmetrical. 4’ either way from center the 4" waterline jigs 24 1/4" and 23 1/4".

I just posted a model list in another Apple Line thread at