Applying 303 to gaskets

Applying 303 for the first time to my drysuit latex gaskets. I am wondering if anyone has any useful tips that I should know about. Or, just spritz it on without getting it on the drysuit. Thanks.

It ain’t rocket science
Just spray or wipe it on. It won’t hurt the suit fabric, if you happen to get any on it. You only need 303 on the outside of the seals. I prefer to use talc on the inside, which makes the suit much easier to put on.

just spritz and get on with it
on your hands, on your drysuit, no problem

303 and Goretex
I’ve been told that spraying 303 on waterproof breathable fabric such as Goretex will make it not waterproof. Truth or myth?

I’ve heard the same thing
I spray the 303 on a cloth and then apply to the gaskets of my dry suit, being careful not to get the 303 on the Goretex fabric.

Kokatat recommends applying 303 to the gaskets every 4-6 weeks.


Ignore it.

hell i drink it,
never don sunscreen again!

If I can ask…
… how necessary is this thing is for thicker items like rubber covers? For instance, the rubber hatch covers on a kayak? Also considering the boat has lifetime warranty, for what it’s worth, I might just get them replaced if need be.

I’ve never used anything like this on my car’s tires and avoid armorall at all costs. Neither has had problems for their useful lifes and they certainly spend more time in the sun than my boat…

So why it should be any different on thick rubber items like hatch covers?

I can see some usefulness on thin rubber/ or other UV sensitive material such as suits. But as far as I know UV radiation can barely penetrate a paper-thin surface. Think if a T-shirt that protects you from sunburn fairly well. So anything that is a couple of millimeters thick or thicker should be well protected on the inside, except for its surface, shouldn’t it?

I’d like to hear some experiences on this.


fyi…Kokatat told me not to spray it on
gore-tex several years ago. Still doesn’t mean it’s a not a myth, but probably best to follow their instruction.

Use a rag
Spray the 303 on the rag, then wipe the rag on the gaskets. You don’t get any on the cloth or Gore-tex that way, and there’s less chance of overusing it.

You don’t want the stuff to do more than gloss up the latex–it should not be so heavy a coating that you get an oil slick effect.

Use it on your hatch covers…
…and the whole deck, but not the seat.

It’ll make them easier to get on and off and extend their life. Otherwise, say five years or so down the road your hatches will crack, you’ll go to order some more on that ‘lifetime warranty’ and find out the manufacturer doesn’t use that kind of hatch anymore and doesn’t have any parts for your boat anymore either because your boat hasn’t been made for several years, etc. Or, the manufacturer asks you if you’ve been properly maintaining your hatches and since you haven’t, won’t replace them. Maybe a little suspicious…many companies will take good care of you and many will not. Better to just take care of stuff.

Take care of the hatch covers
First, I am not sure that the lifetime warranty part applies to the hatch covers on a boat - that may be equivalent to things like brake pads on a car, a wear and tear issue. I sure wouldn’t count on it.

And it’s so easy to maintain them that it’s hard to find an excuse to skip it. Slather them well with 303 every few weeks at during use season, you can get away with less if you have an off-season and inside storage, and you won’t have to fuss with damaged ones.

Good points both
I may as well do an experiment and treat one hatch and not the other to see what happens -:wink:

I’m glad you asked …
Check out the condition of the hatch covers that were on my Sparrow Hawk when I picked it up last summer.

I’m told it was in storage for four years in a barn. Only cost $150 for new hatch covers.

303 is cheap insurance.


303 and hatch covers
in addition to being a UV inhibitor, 303 is also an anti-oxidant and lubricant, which is why it works so well on rubber hatch covers.

I use a neoprene sprayskirt with a thick rubber rand, and the only way I can stretch the rubber enough to get it on my coaming by myself is to keep it liberally doused with 303. Works like a charm.

Looks convincing
Though my boat is garaged and out of the sun except for the few hours a week I actually use it. It’s not the cost that is a problem, I just do not like having greasy stuff where none may be needed… Perhaps I should try and see how it spreads and if it creates more of a mess than I like.

I guess I should have added
that I have an old eurothane suit, not one of those fancy-pants gortex ones

303 and Gore Tex
Well, I have always none that it is a no-no to get overspray on drysuits although couldn’t remember the reason why so overnight I checked with the design team at Kokatat.

303 when sprayed on a Gore-Tex garment will cause the membrane to “clarify” which will give the garment a splotchy appearance. You have probably seen it before on light colors such as Mango. It is more of an aesthetic issue. As 303 is not meant to be on the garment, the dry suit will not be replaced due to this.

Best to apply on a cloth and wipe on both sides of the gasket.
