Backpack-type harnesses for WW kayaks

Since I’m only 5’2" I am wondering if I can actually make use of one of these. My WW kayak is 6’7" long. I don’t need it for the short carries at the WW park but it’d be handy for longer distances.

I stick my head in the front of the
cockpit, against the foam. Most of my kayaks will rest against my back without getting spunky. However, if you aren’t conditioned to carrying moderate weight on your head, it may not be any better than a shoulder carry.

i put the backband on my forehead
works well…

the backpack straps are neat…i would advise getting one without trying it first out to make sure that the bow/stern does not hit the backs of your knees…call NRS…they make one and ask them how well it will fit your boat…see what they say…

i just stick with the boat on my forehead…easy and simple…