Beat the Heat Camping

The heat here in central SC has been bearable if you like the high 90s and humidity. The last camping, I did back in mid-July on my sailboat at the dock. The night was comfortable with a light breeze through the cabin, but the days were hot. There are 4 of us that have hiked together since the mid 70s, and we wanted to get out together. We picked some of the highest elevations where the temps would be in the 80s and nights in the low 60s. It has some of the southernmost remnants of Canadian Boreal Forest but is its own ecosystem with Red Spruce and Fraser Fir. There are a series of bald mountain tops with excellent views of the sky, so we hoped to have a grandstand view of the meteor show. Huckleberries and blackberries were coming in.

The clouds moved in at dark and thunderstorms threatened. We had a light rain, but the storms missed us. The next morning produced a great sunrise. We decided to camp the next evening in the spruce-fir forest and lucked into a spot with a view from a ridge in the middle of a large stand of dark timber. We were hit with a couple of thunderstorms in the night but were out of the wind. The next morning was bright and cooler with another fine sunrise. Came home reluctantly.

Near the top.

Clouds moving in for the night.

Lightening in the clouds after dark.

Morning in camp.


View of Mt. Pisgah the next day from our forest camp site.

The only flat spot we could find in the forest.

Evening subtle.

Morning bright.

Till next time.


Great photography👍🏼. What you using?

My sister from Greenville has been visiting me here in the Alps to escape the heat.

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hotel for me :laughing:


Pictures are amazing - especially we when the clouds settle down in the valley. Looks like fun - someday I’ll do some hiking and camping. Planning to get out in the canoe for a week in September.

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Nice… Those are some inspiring mountain pics! Heading into a three week vacation next week. Last week, I have a campsite reservation on a southcoast beach for surfing and fishing. I need to squeeze in some backpacking/flyfishing time for the other two weeks (in between with helping with new granddaughter).


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In the West it is all about elevation. Go high in summer, and spend time in the desert in winter.

Some years ago, it got really hot around northern Nevada as in 107. I called some friends and we went hiking around Bishop Pass in the Sierra. We had frost every night.


I used a 10-year-old beat up with dents Nikon coolpix 200 waterproof with 5X optical zoom that lives most of the time in a PFD pocket but joins me on land too. I also used an iPhone 13. that lives in my pants pocket. On the black bar at the bottom of the photos the ones with DSCN are the Nikon and the ones with IMG are the iPhone.