What are the best canoe camping rivers to float in GA? Id love to find a secluded river here with moving water that also provides great camping along its banks. We would need to be shuttled as well. Would love to catch a few fish while im at it too. A place similar to the Current River in Missouri would be ideal.
The Suwannee River
Start in Fargo Georgia and then float or paddle on down.
It is absolutely beautiful and pristene with white sandy banks to camp on.
If you don’t mind crossing over into Florida, you can get many multiday trips.
The only problem is I am pretty sure right now the water level at the Georgia end might be too low. Check it first.
You can arrange a shuttle from American Canoe Adventures in White Springs Florida
Jack L
Fishing, locals and current?
Thank you. I was reading about this area but i had a hard time finding answers to a few more of my questions if you dont mind. Was wondering how brisk the water runs? Also, what types of fish if any can be caught here? And also, are the shores usually privately owned or is it safe to camp on any of the beaches in both states?
I am not sure on the fishing, but.
every time we have paddled it, we see a few fishermen.
Most of the land is state or National forest, and you can and people do camp almost all the way along it.
The boy scouts and various church groups use the river for wilderness camping/paddling trips
Naturally when you come to a cabin, don’t camp near it, and in a few other places the land is posted.
The Suwanne River is a jewel and there is the Suwanneee River Canoe Trail that runs all the way to the coast, and a few years back they built great places to camp along it.
The current is dependant on the amount of rainfall, but for the past few years, it has been very slow.
In the Florida portion, there is “Big Shoals” which has a nice portage about a quarter mile long on river left, and then beyond that there are “Little Shoals”, which normaly you can find a smooth pass through.
Your best bet any time to find the river level, and conditions is to send an e-mail or call ACA, (American Canoe Adventures) in White Springs Florida. They are great people and know the river intimately from Fargo on down.
Hopefully sdome one else will weigh in here on the fishing and the current river level
Jack L
GA River
Altamaha River Lumber City to to Darien. Nice river with great sand bars for camping very few people.
Ga Paddling
Camping is the problem. It is very easy to find rivers that are lined with “no trespassing” signs. In South Georgia, you will be able to find sand bars.