Best seat back options for sit inside touring kayak?

Looking to change up my Tempest’s seat back and trying to find some ideas to the best seat back options. Mine’s ok but not the best. It’s an early 2000’s model before the Air Pro or Phase 3

Immersion Research Loungeband

Stellar Clamshell Low if the OEM seat pad is shot too:

What are you hoping to accomplish with a different backband?

better back support, something more comfortable. my current one is just a small band with basically a strap around it. it moves around a good bit even when I really snug it down. and it’s narrow, feels like i just have a tie-down strap across my lower back

Do you need more support than it provides or is it uncomfortable. In my Tempest I keep the band very loose and it doesn’t really support my back at all. Having it loose works for me as it allows torso rotation and I don’t lean back looking for support. All of my boats have no back support and I feel that it helps keep me upright in my posture. I’m far from being a physical specimen, 75 years old, etc. For me getting rid of back support improved my paddling performance as well as my comfort.

Just a thought.

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I have the worst posture and I know it. The backrest helps keep me and remind me to sit up straight.

I like the Perception back bands, which I have bought from Top Kayaker to retrofit several sit-inside touring boats. I used to prefer Snapdragon but the company is no more – the Perception ones are a good replacement. Good lumbar support when needed without that strap cutting effect you are noticing, but doesn’t interfere with torso movement. They have a large range of backbands to choose from:

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I’m wondering about the height/design of the seat back affecting body positioning when rolling the kayak. As a learner, and watching videos, I see the paddler apparently leaning back, over the rear deck. The top of the seat back (lowest position) on both my kayaks (Riot Edge13 & Delta 17) is higher than the cockpit rim, which inhibits my ability to lean back. In the videos I’ve seen, the seat back appears to be lower than what I can adjust. Am I seeing this wrong, or what should I be looking for?

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You are seeing it correctly. A high seat back is not consistent with rolling or with torso rotation.

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This is why many of us replace high factory seat backs with low lumbar backbands. Besides allowing layback rolls, and making it easier to enter the cockpit from the rear deck in launching or cowboy self rescue, a well shaped backband provides a more comfortable seating position and promotes better posture (so the paddler isn’t tempted to slump and force their shoulders to do all the work paddling.)