Big guy here and limited on kayaks. Thinking about the old town 119 guide/disc solo canoe instead of sink.
Would a solo canoe be More stable in semi fast water? Very rarely class II rapids.
Lots of reviews on the canoe but not much comparison to a kayak.
Any help appreciated.
Perhaps a Bell Rockstar (canoe.) It's the big brother of the Yellowstone Solo. Finding a new one might be a problem as Bell is no longer producing boats. I don't think I've ever seen a used one for sale.
I would go up at least a step in length.
Usually one has to go to 14 feet or more to get weight carrying capacity. Bell Rockstar would’ve been nice, but doubt you’ll see one. Maybe a Mohawk Odyssey 14? It’ll keep a good pace, and is steady enough for fishing.
A canoe would be better than any kayak in every way…too many ways to write down here. The 119 is a bit short and requires skill to paddle it, not saying you wouldn’t learn but there is a curve. A Mohawk would not be must more money and would be the better boat.
Stability is a favorite topic of mine. In actual fact, any of the "usual" kayaks are a lot more stable than most canoes, but that doesn't necessarily make them better. In a kayak, your point of support is barely above the floor and your center of gravity is low, so tipping the boat over is something that can hardly happen as long as you keep your body upright (we're not talking about slender or round-bottomed kayaks here, but the kind most "ordinary folks" find comfortable, and that includes some pretty nice "touring" models). In a canoe, even if you kneel so your weight is right on the floor, your center of gravity is still higher so it's easier to get tossed off-center and tip, but it really doesn't take much practice to reach the point where this becomes a non-issue. I'm a canoe guy and recommend canoes for "reasons I know", so in this case I can't say you'll be better off in a canoe, but I would agree with a previous post that if you get a canoe it should not be less than 14 feet long (I'd make the same remark about kayaks for a guy your size too). Shorter canoes have their purposes, but for general use none of them handle well for "big" guys unless it's a specialized whitewater boat where extra-short length is important. For what it's worth, I only weigh about 165 yet my shortest solo canoe is 14 feet, and I love it.
i go with canoe too, though I am a canoe guy, not that I haven’t kayaked, but I prefer a canoe, more versatility, even with a solo, and more gear/dog/kid space
I am a canoe guy to the core, but there is a time and place for a yak. Depending on how big you are and how agile you are, a sit on top may be good. I have a good friend who is about 6 foot and 330. He is a powerful ex football player, but he has trouble getting in and out of boats. with a big sit on top you can just flop in and go. There are many 12 foot sot’s with 350 weight limits.
I love a canoe, but they can be a bit less stable getting in and out of if you are big. A sit on top is easier in that regard. This is coming from a guy that has sold every kayak he has ever bought and replaced them with canoes- even for WW.