Blawkhawk Canoes

Anyone have any old Blawkhawk and/or Sawyer Canoe Company catalogs they would consider copying, and sending to me?

Would be more than willing to pay copy fees, and shipping fees.

Trying to find out “any/all” information I can about these companies.Not having much luck. Any websites you know about or could suggest? Anyone know production numbers on the varied models they produced? Details about different layups, cost, length, weight, etc.?



I bought one of the last (new) Blackhawks from the Chicagoland Canoe Base. They might have some literature in their museum.

go here:

PS: the Blackhawk is great!


What Blackhawk do you have?

PK (I’m an Ariel owner)


I have one of each. They are both circa 1995. The Sawyer one is color, and the Blackhawk one is b/w. I’d be happy to get you copies. Infact, I’ll scan them for you and email them to you when I get the chance. Unfortunately, I don’t have a scanner or a copier easily available. But I can take care of that in a bit.

I’ve also got several magazine adds for Sawyer. As you may or may not know, Harry Roberts wrote much of the ad copy for Sawyer. It is truly neat stuff to read, as Harry was very opinionated (as we are too). I’ve also got an article where Tom Sebring reviews an Autumn Mist. So give me some time to locate some of that stuff, and I’ll get it to you. Tom’s reviews are pretty good too. They were alot more informative than Steve Salins stuff in the current issues of C&K.

So Sue said you were heading up to pick up your Ariel next week? I think you’ll really like it. I’m struggling with owning two of them, but I guess I can always sell the red one at some point if I choose to.


Check here

– Last Updated: Oct-16-04 4:02 PM EST –

Here is a URL, they have a 1985 Sawyer catalog for sale.

You could also contact the old maker of Blackhawk to see if they have one. Here is their info.

Blackhawk Canoe
1140 N Parker Dr.
Janesville WI