Wha Ho, Pilgrims;
A’nutter poll ta pass de time away… (Hey, why not, it’s winter).
Wat doo ye folks use fer packin’ yer possibles inta ye boats. Since ah’ be a canooist, ah’ have taken a hankerin’ fer usin’ waterproof barrels (30 liter version) an’ Duluth packs. Wats be yer pree-fer-ants?
Fat Elmo
well fatty …
ah dun been usin’ da barrels fer nye onta 40 years now. now could we use the queens english cuz this other stuff is too darn hard to read.
God Save the Queen!
I portage a lot. I like dry bags of about 20-30 liters in portage packs. They are soft, easy to pack, and managable to carry.
Barrels are great because they add flotation, so in the West and the North they are the winner. I also use one as a kitchen pack because it holds hard and sharp things well.
I use…
I use a combination of different sizes of Seal Line waterproof bags, and different sizes of waterproof buckets.
I have several large buckets I purchased many years ago that have served me well. An outfitter got them from a company he worked with in the off season. Held some time of dried mix of some sort? Anyway, they are great & were cheap at less than 10 bucks each. Wish I'd bought 15 or 20 instead of only 8 of them. One of them will hold a 2 man tent, a tarp, a thermarest, a sleeping bag, a pair of boots, & misc. small pieces of gear. Two of them will easily fit in a 14 foot solo canoe(a tandem easily holds 4), with plenty of room left in the canoe for some small bags, water jugs, spare paddle, etc.
We use the NRS Bills Bags
They are a huge dry bag with shoulder straps.
They are as about as rugged as can be.
They also make for a good seat sitting around the camp site and even a better seat in a Ally Pak canoe.
They stand up real well to baggage handling going through airports too.
For a trip that requires long portaging I like the Duluth Pack.
Having lived in Plymouth, Mass with the rest of the Pilgrims for many moons how come I have never bumped into you I think you must be a fake Pilgrim and probably can’t even tell corn from maize !
Corn an’ Maize
Wha Ho, Doubtin' Pilgrim;
Gad Zooks! Ah's not be reeferin' ta dem Mass-oo-chu-sits folks dat floated over fro' Englood. Ah's calls all ye flatlanders Pilgrims. If ye watch de movie 'Jeremiah Johnson' (did ye know dat Johnson wuz really called "liver-ettin' Johnson", cuz he supposed ta have ett any Mingo's (actually Crows) liver dat he done in?). De old buzzard - played by Will Geer, stole dat greetin' fro' me way back in '04.
An' fer ye in-foo-ma-soon, dis boy do know de difference t'ween corn an' maize.... corn be wat ye pop an' poop, an' maize be wat ye git lost in...
Fat Elmo
Old vs. New
For those of you who have used both Duluth packs and more modern dry bags, which do you like better? I have a couple Seal Line bags that have served well on a couple overnighters, but one is showing signs of wear where the corners of the Coleman stove rubbed it from the inside. A friend and I are planning a trip this April and I am thinking of purchasing a Duluth pack for that trip. What are you opinions?
Read my post above
I would only use a Duluth pack if there was portaging involved, and that is becuse of the way it hangs down your back so it won’t interfer with the canoe.
If there is no portaging I’ll take the bills bag any day.
For canoe overnights on class 1-2 WW
…inflatable Voyageur bags with slide closures (fabric a bit delicate) and inflatable Futu zip closure bag by Watershed (bulletproof). All lashed in so that, it a spill, they would help float the boat.