Boats on cars - let’s see ‘em!

Is that a problem for finding a parking space.

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And yet, those saddles are primarily intended for rooftop use, where the load is subject to even more wind force than tucked in behind the vehicle.

Not that your point is without merit; there’s an argument to be made for running the straps around the crossbars (which some people using these saddles do). But literally running them around the trailer frame would be total overkill.

Perhaps adding a third strap going around the boat and the forward crossbar would be a good idea.

The bow line is just over 3 feet long. If this kayak were on any rooftop, it would be much longer. Also, the weakest link in it is the J-hook, which came with the saddles. The rest of the components (hangar bolted to the tongue, the cord, and the carabiner) are rated climbing gear.

Yes, it will be, just like any vehicle-trailer combo, though the trailer is quite small. It’s not like a 5th-wheel toy hauler behind an F250. But for an array of reasons, I decided this was a better option than rooftop-ing.

Yes yes Eagle Air Park!

Did your movers have a length limit?
Ours from War College claimed 13 ft :frowning::disappointed:

Found this one on line. I own a 71 vw beetle so I thought this one was pretty cool.

I think that is called "thinking outside of the"! :wink:

Lol. Looks like they are getting on the water one way or the other. :+1:

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I don’t remember, that was a while ago (2005-2008)! :joy:

BTW, here’s how the Okinawa movers packed my kayak for the return trip in 2008. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I don’t recall how the California movers packed it in 2005 and I can’t find any pics.


Where’s their red load flag? :triangular_flag_on_post: :joy:

Two Origami Paddlers in our Outback


When I ETS from Fort Hood the movers wouldn’t take an 8’ john boat I bought from the Army, but I was a mere O-3.

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I had a 14’ Mohawk Odyssey in my household goods to Germany in '03 and back to the US in '06.

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Does anyone else see the irony that this thread and the thread about global warming being active at the same time?


Yes! I even addressed our being a hypocrite. At least the carbon in the air doesn’t come from the boats, but us as we paddle…in my case you might call it fossil fueled :laughing:


Isn’t there a gasoline motor on your sailboat. For emergencies.?

Yes, came with the boat and has a 3-gallon tank. I always pour about two gallons each spring into my car and refill the tank with new non ethanol gas for the next year. Even with Sea Foam and Stabil I won’t run year old gas in the five horse 4 stroke. I am guessing I may have put 4 gallons through it in 7 years. The other small sailboats have oars. I like sailing in or out when I dock. If it hadn’t come with the boat, I might have bought an E-propulsion or Torgeedo. I have a solar panel to top off the boat battery.

It’s difficult to escape capitalism. The truly pure won’t even be on the Internet.


I’m not even pure enough to post in that thread so I’ll just stick to my composting and the car thread :grimacing:
I sort of hate that e-bike too.


A lot of younger people call us fossils.

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