Although I may get out of it, I may be required to take a weekend business trip to Boston the second weekend of March. There will be a little work and a little “fun.”
Frankly, I hate these kind of “corporate morale building while getting some work done” BS sessions.
If I end up there, someone will say, “What do you want to do for fun?”
Rather than take in a game or a bar or the usual nonsense, I want to say, "Let’s go to (insert best canoe store or paddling venue in Beantown.)
Any suggestions?
Will you bring boats?
I don’t think the rental outfitters are open that early in the season, so you’d have to bring your own boat.
Also, it depends very much on what type of paddling you want to do. Just keep in mind that the water will still be really cold. It isn’t unusual for Boston to get significant snowfall in March.
No Boats
We’re flying…and it’s not a bush plane with a canoe lashed to the pontoons, alas.
I was simply looking for a great big outfitters that I could wander around for hours, deciding “I really need one of these!”
Wilderness House
On Commemwealth Ave. Have not been in years but they are the only one that comes to mind.
Wilderness House on Comm Ave is the kayak store in Boston, but unfortunately, not on the water at all.
Can call them to see if rentals on the water, but I think not.
So, leaves you with the choice to ride the swan boats in the park if they;re open yet for the season, or bring a folding kayak with you and ditch the corporate croonies for some time on the Chuck River. I know what I'd do.
C ya.
PS Boston the second weekend of March ain;t for the faint of heart in a kayak anyhow. You might consider a trip to the pub for a warm Guinness pint and some "shop talk" and skirt chasin'.
Charles River Canoe and Kayak
is only open for sales by appointment till April 1.
They will still be in ski mode.
The Kayak Centre in Wickford RI is a nice big paddling store but an hour and a half south…bummer.
Kittery Trading Post just in Maine is about 45 minutes from Boston but its an outdoorsy store with a paddling section.
Move your business trip so you dont miss the UNH Paddlesports Show.
Billington Sea Kayak
BSK is located in Plymouth MA, about 35 miles south of Boston. They are on the water and have a good selection of stuff. They are usually open weekends (Sat for certain) this time of year.
New England Aquarium
CRCK is good but, as someone said, will still be in xc ski mode.
Get your vicarious aquatic thrills by visiting the excellent New England Aquarium, right on the waterfront. Hold your breath in the penguin hall, though!
New England Small Craft
New England Small Craft in Rowley, MA is about a hour north of Boston. They carry Valley and P&H plus lots of toys. Joel and Brad will be more than happy to fulfill your need to chat.
Wilderness House is still in ski mode and seems to cater more to the BU Euro$$$ set.
Just an observation, of course.
wilderness house
is right in boston but you may not find specific kayaking junkies there - more general outdoor retailer...same thing with the big ems right across the street.
new england small craft and billington sea are both about 30 odd miles north and south of the city.
how much free time are you going to have? the only thing i can think of IN the city is charles river canoe and kayak and while you could paddle the charles right out of their shop, it'd be a lot more fun to rent from them, toss the boat on the rental roof and then head down to the could put in around south boston and head out to some of the islands that adorn the coast right off the city. you could paddle out to thompson, then over to moon and handrail it out to long and over to gallops / lovell and georges and back. that's outta the main channel into the inner harbor and relatively quiet in March - not too long a day and the views looking back INTO the city from the sea are beautiful.
have fun.
Buy a folding boat
and take it with you.
If you mean the 7/8/9th
The Boston Sea Rovers scuba show is that weekend at the Copley Plaza. There are many speakers and lots of expensive gotta have gear.
The film presentation Saturday night is spectacular, plus great door prizes and cocktail party after back at the Oak Room sozue can hobnob with scuba variety muckety mucks(Cousteaus, et al) In fact if you were to organize a trip to the Film Festival, you would be considered such an in the know Bostonian, you would most assuredly be excused from any future team building masturbatory exercises. Not exactly kayak related but good crack nonetheless.
Some Outstanding Suggestions
Hence my dilemma: Does the opportunity for limited pleasure outweigh the distaste for brown-nosing at a corporate morale building weekend?
Hey Joe
Not much out here in the way of well stocked outfitters, especialy if you want to look at canoes.
My favorite is New England Small Craft up in Rowley but they are mainly a Sea Kayak shop.
If you want to paddle drop me a note and we’ll see what we can come up with. I’ve got a few canoes, a few kayaks and I’m pretty familiar with the area.
March weather here can be anything from arctic to tropical so we’d most likely have to play it by ear.
Seems To Me…
the issue is whether you NEED to do the corporate brownnosing. If yes, that’s it and you make the best of it. Walking around some paddling store ain’t going to make up for it. But, you got to do what you got to do.
If you don’t have to do the weekend, than staying home and paddling has got to be way better.
Heck, I have to go to Chigago in June for a conference. Don’t want to but will because it does tie directly into my job and will be interesting from a professional perspective but likely boring from a personal one (at least that’s how it played out last time I was there a couple of years ago).
Unabashedly, a homeboy. A great day at the local break IS paradise.
Charles River
The local racers have started paddling on the Charles River across from Charles River Canoe and Kayak at the junction of the Mass Pike, route 128/95, and route 30. If you check the Yahoo group CharlesRiverRace you can generally find out where people are paddling. We also sometimes go to the Mystic River in Medford. Depending on what you’re used to paddling, I’m sure we can find you a boat. Pam
Do both…
…by planning to take a vacation in the Boston area separate from your work event! In season there is great paddling at all levels with the coast of Maine an hour and a half north and Cape Cod an hour and a half south, and countless rivers, lakes and beaches in between. You’ve got the Charles River running right through the city. Finally, the Boston Harbor Islands are one of the most underappreciated paddling destinations.
There is also plenty to do once you get back from paddling, whether its walking the Freedom Trail, a game at Fenway, or the world class museums.
No, I don’t work for the Chamber of Commerce. I have just lived in many different places and find that, by far, the Boston area has the most variety of accessible recreational options.
hilton tent city?
Isn’t there a wonderful outdoor gear shop named hilton’s tent City? Never been there, sidewalks give me the willies, but I hear the shop has great stuff.
hilton tent city…
over by the old boston gah-den.
general outdoor gear retailer. no kayaks last time i was in the shop.
I would forgo the outdoor store experience, that you can always have browsing the web, and be open to one of the most incredible highlights of Boston-the Museum of Fine Arts. Not just boring paintings. Sizable displays of partial structures from Egyptian, Greek civilizations, and more. When traveling, I always try to expand my circle of usual interest and leverage what the region has to offer that I may never get to see again. Beleive me, I am no museum or art on the wall person, but was I impressed!