Brass Padeyes

I have been hunting everywhere I can find for polished brass padeyes and hardware that is the same as what comes with WS’s Tarpon 160.

Any help?

Try A Marine Store.
or check West Marine on the internet and have it shipped.


Need to find it on the net.
I have checked West Marine and several other catalogs as well as an extensive Goggle search. We do not have much in the way of marine stores around here.

What you’re looking for are called…

– Last Updated: Jun-29-04 8:12 AM EST –

"Eye Straps", a pad eye is like an eye strap mounted to a base that then mounts to say a mast...

If your calling around try "eye strap"

Pad Eyes
"“Eye Straps”, a pad eye is like an eye strap mounted to a base that then mounts to say a mast…

If your calling around try “eye strap”

Found some…"

After a very through internet search, it appears the more common and correct name is pad eye. Eye straps are long and flat and made for straps. The one you found is bronze. I was looking for polished brass as are on the WS Tarpon 160. I was able to order them from a WS dealer and they are on the way complete with the rest of the brass hardware for attachment.

Padeye vs Strap eye
From the sailors view point…


Strap eye

Small boat dealer/salesman
Sure wouldn’t take them for any definitive answers or information. “I sell them so I’m an expert”. Sort of like P-net’s threads. “I own one so I’m…”

Glad you found them no matter what you’re calling them.

Jamestown Distributors
Take you pick.