BREAKING NEWS: Recreational flow adjustment BD river

Hello everyone! I forgot who it was that hooked me up with the bell canoe but I have put many miles on it and love it. I have not been on here for a few years. Anyway BREAKING NEWS: Flow adjustments for paddlers on the Beaver Dam river Beaver Dam WI. !!! We had a test run last month and one more on June 30th. The dam will be set to 150 CFS on june 30th 2018 for recreational use of the river.

Here is the back story. I was set up to guide a group down the river last year and an hour before they closed the dam and I had people coming from hour’s away. It was very disappointing for everyone to say the least. So I got on the horn and ended up at a bunch of meetings with the city, lake Ass., lake land owners ass. etc , Cleared it with 5 DNR Reps. and that was soooo easy. and we all clear for the 2nd test first test run was kept under wraps. A few of us have been working on the strainers and the spring flood blew a bunch out.

In our humble opinions it would be rated as a advanced beginner level. OR beginner WW. class I maybe class II lots of stuff to dodge and good boat control needed.

CAUTION: There are tree’s across the river just south of mill st. until we get these removed do not run at high water it is fast and narrow and hard to drag around. You can make it under at 150 CFS
There a videos up on youtube the dam is on usgs , It has some poor reviews mostly due to strainer and you had to guess when it was going to be at a good level. I am working to get it posted on the city’s website Hoping for once a month holiday to holiday water permitting.

You’re welcome
commandant of the Pumpkin Center WI canoe fleet
and future world circumnavigator by canoe.
As I stand with my foot on the bow and hand in my vest.

P.S. if you have any questions about clearing rivers in WI. Now would be the time to ask while it is all fresh in my head.