Business question - ultralight outfitter canoes BWCA

It seems that there are a great many canoe outfitters in the area of Ely, MN that offer ultralight canoes. In the fall, many of them sell off their fleet of rentals.

My question is why they all buy the lightest Northstars. For example, a starlight Northstar is only a couple pounds lighter than the more robust blacklight versions, and only about $400 less expensive. I expect a used blacklight would have less damage, and be much more in demand, so the resale would easily recoup the higher upfront cost. Maybe renters would balk at 2lbs? Maybe the wholesale pricing is different? Anyone “in the know” care to enlighten me? Thanks in advance.

P.S. I get it with Wenonahs where the weight difference is substantial, and Souris where there really is only one layup - it’s the Northstars that baffle me (maybe because I want a blacklight and can’t find one used).

It’s about relationships. Those outfitters have known Ted Bell for a long time.

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In 1985 the last time I paddled there all the fleets were Grumman aluminum canoes. Having a kevlar boat would change a trip for the better.