Buzzards Bay, Mass. paddling

Can any body in that neck of the woods tell me about any good trips and launch places.

I would be coming from the Plymouth area.

Thanks in advance,

Jack L

Buzzards Bay

– Last Updated: Jul-18-10 9:51 PM EST –

Pretty good put in right by Monument Beach. Good ice cream place, the Whistle Stop, as well as The Lobster Trap for a lobster roll and beer.

A Basset's Island circumnavigation is pretty easy from there, or just go down the bay and back. Buzzards can get pretty entertaining when the tide is going out and the wind is coming from the south.

For a south shore paddling group check out, there is a Monomoy paddle going on July 29th if you're still around...

Lots of options
What kind of paddling are you looking for? How far west do you want to drive? I am very familiar with the western part of the bay, say west of New Bedford.

You can paddle out of Padnaram harbor (free on the beach on Smith Neck Rd) in Dartmouth and head south to Round Hill (usually protected until the point)and around west if you want some moderate exposure to swell.

You can park free on Gooseberry Island in Westport(get there early on weekends)and paddle east along the mainland shore for as long as you want. This side is usually protected from the SW swell and has some nice empty beach to explore, although landing can be problematic (surf) at times. Or from the Island you can paddle south to the tip and perhaps find some lumpy water beyond the southern tip. There is a cement barge wreck to explore about a mile off the tip of the island. There can be serious water in this area from lots of shallow reef structure.

You can paddle from the state boat ramp ($5)off of rt. 88 in beautiful Westport harbor. You can paddle out of the mouth of the Westport river and go either east toward Horseneck Beach or west toward Little Compton, RI. If you want to leave and/or enter the Westport river plan on using the tides and watch boat traffic.

Although technically not Buzzards Bay, Sakonnet Point has some of the best paddling in Southern New England. Rock play, surf, islands to explore. Awesome.

Hope that helps a little. Good luck.