C to C Rolling Question

Develope technique
The c-c roll is a fast, explosive roll that can be unforgiving without proper technique. Turning your head sets your body up for proper technique. When a physical therapist is working with a patient and needs them to raise a hip they have them turn their head in the opposite direction. This is a critical part of the set up and recovery of the c-c roll. When I set up I look up to the surface, with my face as close to the surface as possible and as I initiate the roll I turn my head looking down and try to keep it at the waters surface as long as possible so that it is the last thing draged out of the water. I just try to keep my face at the waters surface throughout the roll. I find that this allows my body to make the movements that are neccesary for good c-c roll technique. Keep working at it. One day it will feel so natural.