Hey I am looking for a new Campground to explore in NC OR SC, IT must be in the Mountains, and ON or Near water. Also one that accepts Campers. Lake Joccassee is the bench mark… I LOVE that Place, and the Camping spots are Not right on top of one another, and its shaded. What I don’t want is a KOA style RV park that is basically just Pavement or Gravel. Any Suggestions?
High standard
Many campgrounds fall short of Devil’s Fork in your critical points.
I assume you have searched for each state’s DNR site?
Lake Santeetlah
Or Fontanna
up near Nantahala Outdoor Center. Great MTN biking there too.
Just read the Lake Santeetla write-up - sounds nice.
Now If i could Find a way to combine towing the camper and the motercycle, So i could Ride Deals GAP AKA the Dragon, that would be too cool… However I didnt see any camper sites on the lake… and yes i did search the DNR/park sites for Both NC & SC I also checked out "Camp Ground review sites…
I have been around Fontanna
havent found any RV Camp grounds near it..
Now I’m wondering where I stayed when I was bikin’ there in '91. Sort of in the middle of nowhere…
There is a campground at or near
the Tsali Recreation area on Fontana.I heartily DO NOT recommend Fontana Village CG.
Tsali Rec area. Federal - that’s why my NC Parks search didn’t turn it up. Thanks!
Click on accomodations
on the Graham county link, then campgrounds…Cheoah Point…26 Sites…
is GREAT for PRIMATIVE camping… but i like sleeping in a real bed, ok ok the WIFE likes sleeping in a real bed. the camp sites at TSali dont have electricty or water. No RV hookups…
NC Campgrounds - State Maintianed is the link to the NC Department of Parks and Recreation site.
State Forest has several campgrounds. I stayed at Badin Lake in late Oct. and it was Great! It’s not really in the mountains, but they’re not extremely far. Also I stayed at Fontana Village CG the last week they were open one year. I enjoyed it, but there were only three of us in the place! I can see where it would be very crowded in season.
Thanks for the Info folks…
Tsali national Forest Campground
Only one I have experience with in NC. No its not primitive but then again its not a KOA.
Yes its a hell of alot better than some in Yellowstone NP.
Fire rings, restrooms and hot showers in the camp area.
biking and horse trails at campground, fontana lake launch closeby and nanthahala river down the road.
Sometimes your the only camper other days or weekends you could be with a group of triathletes or bikers in town for a hells angels convention.