can anybody recommend/s a kayak compass?

-- Last Updated: Aug-17-14 9:05 AM EST --

I am looking for a compass to mount on the deck of my kayak. I would like to have the option of having it lighted by small(NOT 12 volt, maybe AAA or smaller) battery powered LED

I paddle the Great Lakes like Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, the Bay of Green Bay, and other large lakes. Sometimes, I find myself paddling in the dark.

Does anybody have any suggestions or recommendations or advice?

One method…

– Last Updated: Aug-17-14 10:26 AM EST –

Seems to work well if it survived the EC..
I think you could also rig one with a small light stick.

Silva/Nexus/Garmin 70UNE
is a lighted compass that can be used on kayaks.–70un-universal-compasses–P014665111