The posted images I saw showed a composite hull, and the price was right. Now I’m trying to figure out if it is worth the 3 hour drive (each way). Any idea from the photos? I think (hope) the birch bark look is just an ill attempted paint job.
Looks like that nameplate says fiberglass to me. Maybe Lincoln next to it?
Could just be black fiberglass
Well, it was certified (built) in December of 1972. The first two characters of the HIN have been over painted with black paint and are illegible on your photos. The third letter of the HIN appears to be “F”. The first three characters of the HIN are letters that identify the manufacturer, the manufacturer’s identification code (MIC). If you can remove some of that black paint and read the first two letters you will at least know the maker.
Ding ding! Great work. It is a Lincoln from 1972. I was so jumpy I didn’t wait for or realize the FB message photos to load in better res. I got everything bright and clear now! It seems like the Birch Bark was in-style in the 70’s. Given the age and likely out dated design I’m holding off for a better diamond in the rough.
I don’t trust old fiberglass boats. Fifty years is too old for glass.
If I had to guess, I’d guess that the sloppy, black material (whatever it is?), is the result of an attempt to repair cracks or holes in the boat, NOT to make it look like a birchbark canoe.
Fiberglass, 49 years old, probably kept outside uncovered year round, and now simply falling apart.
Piece of junk; I wouldn’t take it if it was offered for free.
Just as a point of interest, and possibly humor… While it might have been stylish in the 70’s, a birch bark canoe is made with the “white” side of the bark to the inside. Real birch barks are yellow-tan.
Wouldn’t you think that someone wanting to make their boat look like a birch bark canoe might have first glanced at one to see what a birch bark canoe looked like?