Can I use a paddle float with a wing paddle?

Hi, I’m new to the forum and I’m posting this after searching previous topics… but found nothing related.

I have a 16” composite sea kayak and I’m getting my first wing paddle, a full carbon (and a bit expensive…) Braca.

Just wondering if I could use my inflatable paddle float to do a re-entry with my new paddle…. Or if I risk to damage/break it.

Thank you

Welcome, guidobras. I’ve used a dual chambered paddle float on my Werner Cyprus paddle with no issues. I do use this heel hook technique:

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Yes check it fits inside.

Thanks guys!

I’m a bit worried because the paddle blade has a “spoon” shape… could the carbon fiber break or be damaged by the forces (including my weight) involved in the re-entry using the paddle float?

No because it’s not on a hard surface. No personal experience with a wing paddle. Pressure from a float bag in water no is my opinion.

The way the float will inflate around the wing blade should give that a lot of protection. A light weight shaft is where I would be worried about. I had a (non-wing) paddle break at the 2-piece connection joint once when doing a paddle float rescue in a class.

I’ve seen two paddles break in vigorous rescue practice. The PF re-entry can put a lot of sudden load on a shaft. Do you want to test your expensive wing paddle that way?

Most of us carry a spare that is cheaper and heavier than our main paddle. Use that instead.

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Thank you for all the replies and very useful considerations.

I was somewhat prepared to using my spare, and a lot cheaper, paddle for doing re-entries.

It would be a bit of a hassle while in water to gather the kayak, the main paddle, the spare (which is a 2 pieces and need to be assembled) and to inflate the paddle float… but anyway, I’ll practice if this is the way to go.

The shaft of my new braca is actually one of the softest (the 19k version Braca Full Carbon Kayak Paddle Shafts - Individual Kayak Shafts) thus should be reasonably flexible… but who knows what will happen when I’ll put part of my weight on it (I’m 79kg)

I have been using mid grade paddles for years with out issues, carbon shaft and plastic blades. I just bought a high end full carbon paddle and now am asking the same question. So it might be time to start carrying a spare paddle.

I can’t comment on the shaft strength of the Brasca but a problem is going to be getting the bare blade under the bungees or perimeter lines to secure your now outrigger arm. I wouldn’t try this with an epic maroon shaft, as I’ve seen that fail.

Why not use your paddle float on the wing to do a re-enter and roll. No issue with attachment then.

Learn to do cowboy re-entry instead. It is much, much faster—faster than anything but rolling up. And it doesn’t involve loading your weight onto the paddle.

When I got a reliable roll and cowboy re-entry, I ditched the paddle float.

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Cowboy re-entry is a good idea, thanks!
In that case, better to keep the spare paddle on the front deck I suppose…

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