Canada wilderness sea kayaking advice


I am looking for a destination for 3-4 nights sea kayaking camping trip. The main criteria are solitude and scenery. We are experienced kayakers, but I would prefer not too exposed conditions. Island archipelago would be an ideal – something like Stonington in Maine, but much more remote.

Currently I am researching destinations at Newfoundland and Vancouver Island. Can anybody recommend any specific location? Any other places to consider?



The North Channel
Check out the North Channel in Lake Huron

Broken Group Islands…
off the southwest coast of Vancouver Island is a very kayak friendly paddling and camping environment.


See the thread
in this forum about Lake Superior Prov. Park or consider the Georgian Bay in Lake Huron.

Lots of good paddling off Baffin Island, or

the other islands in that area.

Thanks. Any ideas on the East Cost?
Broken group looks really nice, but I am afraid it could be crowded in August.

Buffin Island is overkill for 3-4 nights, though I would love to get there someday.

What about Newfounland or even Nova Scotia? I live in DC, so it should be easier, but unfortunately not cheaper :frowning: , for me to get to the Canada East Cost.



Kanawa - Spring - 2003
Richard Alexander wrote an article on NL (Newfoundland and Labrador - the name of the Province). He suggests and two books “Canyons, Coves, and Coastal Waters” by Murphy, Price and Redmond and “Seay Kayaking in Nova Scotia” by Cunningham.

I’ve never been, but thought those might be good leads. Alexander is (was?) the president of the Provincial kayaking club, and owns a business called Newfoundland Kayak Co., according to the article.

Good luck and enjoy.

There are some islands to paddle

around Tangier- a bit north of Halifax

Nova Scotia. There is an outfitter

in Tangier (can’t recall the name though)

who could help with route info.

here’s a book on nova-scotia

is book you might be interested in.

it is also the web-site for the outfitter in Tangier.

Newfoundland Connections…
You can find some dandy info at the Kayak Newfoundland and Labrador website

Go to the trip reports section, and you’ll find lots of info re some of the best paddling anywhere.

Personally, I highly recommend the area around Burgeo - spent about a week there last summer, and would love to get back there for a longer visit. There’s also some fine paddling in and around Terra Nova National Park.

You can also try the UseNet nf.paddling group for suggestions.

