I'm curious about places in Canada (BC) that sell kayaks and the associated gear, especially one's with online stores/directories/catalog's. we have about 3 places in town that sell the equipment necessary, but the product names available are limited when it comes to the actual kayaks.
edit - IGNORE! I didn't see the dealers directory and that it has references to Canadian stores. I apologize!
am sure there are lots, but…
Mountain Equipment Co-op is one that operates out of B.C. They have 5 or 6 stores across the great white north,from Halifax to your place. The website is mec.something. they have a lot of stuff, but if you shop around you may find better prices.
yep, known about MEC for years…
I bought my dad a membership and a really good bicycle pump from them years and years ago. I’m entertaining the idea of getting myself a membership and surprise my lil bro, since he’ll be becoming my kayaking partner, or rather, me his, if we do this. thanks for the thought tho
many many.
oceanriver.com Victoria
pacifica paddlesports Victoria
deep cove kayak Vancouver
ecomarine Vancouver
western canoeing and kayaking Abbostford
comox kayaks Comox
and much more
I think Craiglist is a good one, so is the MEC gear exchange board. I remember once ordering a kayak from a MEC store(in person,cash deposit). What was supposed to take 2 weeks max turned into 3 or 4 months long story of complete and utter employee incompetence and lack of communication(…nobody knew if it’s coming from the Abbotsford warehouse or the manyfacturer,which is just across the border from abbotsford,one of the MEC people told me it’s stuck at the border while the manufacturer rep told me clearly they never get stuck at the border…in the end i got a call to come pick up my boat 2 months AFTER i canceled the order and took back my deposit) Personally i am a fan of Skyview outdoors in Surrey,BC and would trust them ordering a kayak if i was to do that again.
By the way Ecomarine is known as one of the more expensive stores in the area. Western is not cheap either,but it’s not ridiculous,and the service is very good. I think arguably you can find the best deals at Middleton’s in west vancouver.
If you are going to Ecomarine
Stop by Feathercraft too. Pretty awesome folding kayaks
I can personally vouch for
Western Canoe and Kayak. Fast shipping (even to the US)excellent customer service.