Canoe Bow Deck plate

Does anyone know of any outfit that carries them.?
I am looking at a canoe that besides needing new seats is missing the bow deck plate.
I am thinking of making a new one, but if I can find a replacement for any make canoe I can probably make it fit.

Synthetic or wood? If wood, on-lay or inset deck?

Synthetic decks are usually molded to the shape of the particular model of canoe, so for them to work you would have to be close to the model they were molded for.

An on-lay deck might be easier to just make yourself than to find one that fits. Just make a slightly oversized trace off your boat, find some pleasing wood, draw out the trace, cut it out, and shape or bevel the edges.

Inset decks require more fitting of course, I know that Hemlock Canoe used to sell walnut deck plates for their canoe models and Northstar does as well.

I suspect if you contact Dave Curtis at Hemlock and tell him what you need, he could send you a slightly oversized blank. Here is the Hemlock website page of interest:

you might try Marc Ornstein…he was making some carbon deck plates and he does beautiful woodwork.

I was looking for some place that might carry an el cheapo bend to fit one, but if such a place doesn’t exist, I’ll probably fabricate one out of aluminum or wood

Ed’s canoe ( sells replacement decks for Bell and Mad River canoes.

You never said what material, Make and Model. You can get replacements from Mad River, Old Town, Wenonah. Wenonah makes many different sizes, perhaps they have one that fits your boat.

@cannonball said:
You never said what material, Make and Model. You can get replacements from Mad River, Old Town, Wenonah. Wenonah makes many different sizes, perhaps they have one that fits your boat.

The make is a mongrel

If you have cloth and resin you can fashion your own deck cap out of fiberglass or Kevlar using the boat as a mold. Fill in the space between the gunwales with a piece of thin plywood or stiff cardboard or the like to support the cloth. Mask off the hull and gunwales with painter’s tape and then cover with peelply or Saran wrap. Lay on fabric in layers trimming the excess as you go.

@pblanc said:
If you have cloth and resin you can fashion your own deck cap out of fiberglass or Kevlar using the boat as a mold. Fill in the space between the gunwales with a piece of thin plywood or stiff cardboard or the like to support the cloth. Mask off the hull and gunwales with painter’s tape and then cover with peelply or Saran wrap. Lay on fabric in layers trimming the excess as you go.

Thanks, that is a good idea. If I end up with this canoe, I might try that

@JackL said:
Does anyone know of any outfit that carries them.?
I am looking at a canoe that besides needing new seats is missing the bow deck plate.
I am thinking of making a new one, but if I can find a replacement for any make canoe I can probably make it fit.

We can definitely help you. We use black walnut or butternut for our lighter models. There would be some detailed woodwork involved placing them. Feel free to email me or call our shop.

If you are looking to flip the canoe on the cheap, I just salvaged a 16 footer. I can let you have the ends for $20/pair plus shipping