I live in northern MD and am looking for a canoe club that does some white water trips. I am near DE, PA, NJ, VA and am looking for an active club that will do some CLII trips this spring / fall.
Coastal Canoeist
Check us out. We have folks doing trips in all the states you mentioned.
HRCKC or Mohawk in Joisey
Hackensack River Canoe & Kayak Club
Mohawk Canoe Club
Both o' dem cloobs accepted yer's truly as a member so ye will have ta take dat inta account...
Lehigh Valley Canoe Club
In Lehigh Valley in eastern PA.
You should try to look up Ed “Boulderbuster” Gertler, author of “Keystone Canoeing” He used to live in Silver Springs.
Ed will tell you where to go.
What made you turn to the “dark” side???
I remember you sold a bunch of kayaks last year. Was it the “canoe thing”? -
Baltimore Canoe Club?
Or whatever they’re called…
I heard good things
about Three Rivers Paddling Club based out of Pittsburgh but with many members from out of state (kayak,canoe whitewater mostly i believe)
Mohawk Canoe Club in New Jersey
well trying to check these clubs out online. Mohawk’s site is down.
Other ones mentioned appear to be mostly kayaking clubs…
Hackensack seems to have canoe trips but none are whitewater…
Really just want to hook up with some canoesists to do some CLII trips but having trouble…
I can hook you up with that…
I paddle weekdays on class II frequently. Not on weekends, though. Give me a call on my cell phone 570 352 8806 Dennis
Philadelpia Canoe Club
See their website at
You don’t have to be a member to go on their trips.
Over the past 15 yrs or so, there has been a big decline in whitewater canoeing relative to the explosive increase in WW kayaking.
Most clubs of any size, will, however have at least a few open boaters, even if only one or two insane old geezers which are kept around primarily for entertainment value and for the purpose of carrying spare paddles in their boats.
I know that the Lehigh Valley Club used to have a number of open boaters. Harold Deal (an excellent whitewater canoeist, freestyler and boat designer) used to be a member. I don’t know if he still is.
If you can hook up with a few local open boaters with similar interests, you will find that opens the door to meeting more WW OC1 paddlers, since it is beginning to be a rather select club, or lunatic fringe, depending on your perspective.
You can also look for open boating companions on boatertalk.com or cboats.net. If you feel you need some sort of organized whitewater canoe instruction, and it is not offered in your immediate area, consider taking a multiday clinic at a whitewater school such as Zoar Outdoor (Charlemont, MA), Nantahala Outdoor Center(Wesser, NC), or Wild Waters Outdoor Center (Warrensburg, NY.)
Or you can arrange private or small group instruction with one of the Grand Masters of open boating. Two such are not far from you. Bob Foote (both famous and infamous) is now in Denton, MD and Tom Foster is in Billerica, MA. They have web sites that you can check out.
Just a bit north in York pa. is Conwego Canoe club. In De is Wilmington Trail club. Both do WW & flat water in the regional area. Good luck!
Harrisburg, Pa club
I found these guys online last year while searching for information about the Susquehanna River. Canoe Club of Greater Harrisburg.
ww paddlers drive lots
don’t fret too much over finding a club in northern Maryland, since if you paddle whitewater you are going to be driving more than boating. So will the rest of the people in your club, so it doesn’t so much matter that you live near the club.
CCC seems to have a nice bunch of canoeists and paddles near you alot. I think it stands for Conestega Canoe Club. They are nice folks who I’ve run into on streams in your area.
Baltimore’s GBCC is a great bunch of folks. So is Monocacy CC, and they formerly had the most trafficed message board with lots of impromtu trips posted.
“Canoe Club” is, in American English, a misnomer, holdover from the old days. They are now all dominated by kayakers, but each club still has a core minority of open boaters. In much of the rest of the world they call everything canoes, differentiating open boats as Canadian canoes. So give yourself an international flare and join a “canoe” club with your Canadian canoe. Personally, I prefer you join GBCC, so you can join me to expand the minority of open boaters.
Conewago canoe club
here's their schedule