Currently using a solo Wenonah Prism. Just used it in class II/III whitewater. Learned that to control it and to be able to do turns I moved the sliding seat forward, out of the way. I then kneeled as in my past life of using a closed deck WW canoe. This worked, as it changed the weight center. I then kneeled and moved further back against the thwart. With the bow up I was able to use the old pry, draw and cross draw strokes.
With no kneeling pad, sand did do a number on my knees. I can’t find where to purchase kneeling pads for knees. Wearable is preferred.
Any help appreciated.
Pittsburgh Al
I never found wearable knee pads that
I liked. I suggest that you determine where you want your seat or kneeling thingy set, and then glue knee cups to the bottom of the boat. If you are lucky, they will not interfere with your feet when you are sitting.
An alternative would be to look for one of those Voyageur knee pads. They are maybe a yard long and about 9 inches wide. They have a comfortable foam inside, and a tack surface coating so that they do not slide around. There are two little loops on one edge that could be used to connect the pad to the inside of the hull.
I second…
…the glue-in knee pads. Less hassle, more comfort.
If you’re set on the wearable models I’d take a look at the home improvement mega-stores. Plenty of models of knee pads at various prices and design.
I’ve found quite comfortable knee pads
at hardware stores, Lowe’s, HD, etc. But I am happier with my Bell kneeling pad.
Me too.
I am also a big fan of my Bell, full sized, kneeling pad. Use it in a wide range of canoes.
The only knee pads I have that are glued in, are in my Mohawk Probe 12 II, and my Mohawk Odyssey.
If it wasn't such a hassle, I'd take them out of the Odyssey.
Wearable knee pads; too much hassle for me.
P.S. Would love to see some photos of a Wenonah Prism doing class 3.
Knee pads
use close cell foam or use the knee pads that the wrestlers use that cover the knee from upper calf to above the knee. In the three point stance the wider the knees the better control. Ever thought of thy strap use? I sware by them even in solo or tandem paddling. Need a pic e-mail and I will show how it none cheaply. Take a 2" strap with one longer to make a loop. Cut the smaller one in the middle to allow the loop to pass through and have a good loop. Take to shoe shop and have the cobbler to sew the two together. You want a good sew/stitch and not little thread. Purchase contact cement (not water solvable) and glue into boat covering all 4 corners. Try to impregnate the strap with the cement. If done right the whole bottom of boat will break before the strap. The ribbon type that climbers use is what I used. The rated strength is a high numbers.
kneeling pads
I agree with concensus here. I tried knee pads and never found any which I liked better than a kneeling pad.
I would add that glued in place mini-cell foam can still be uncomfortable if sandy. A kneeling pad covered with neoprene can be sandy and still not bother knees. Only problem I see for WW is when one turns over large pads can be cumbersome and liable to gget lost easily.
Home Depot - cheap foam kneepads
HD sells a few types of knee pads, most of them with hard plastic caps over the kneecap. They carry one or two types that aren’t plasticy, I got a pair for about $9 that are black closed cell foam similar to mincel with a softer interior lining. They work well. The straps can get annoying after awhile though.
Glue in knee pads
I have purchased two sets of glue in knee pads from Swift Canoe in Ontario for my two solos. They are pricey but are the best I’ve seen. They were $40.00 Canadian a pair plus shipping. Worth it in my opinion.