I recently finished building a two-piece aluminum canoe pole. If anyone is interested in taking a look at the pole and the building process, I put some photos and some brief explanations up on webshots
If anyone up in the Northeast is looking for a nice wooden pole, Shaw and Tenney in Maine lists 12’ spruce poles in their catalog for a pretty reasonable price. I didn’t bother to ask them about shipping costs as I have been told that they are pretty high for something that long.
nice album
that is a great way to turn down a dowl by using a router table. I never heard of it before but sure looks slick…
photo essay C2g. Total cost estimate of different tubes, delrin, and shipping , please?
Dr.Bob assures me that whatever the cost, aluminum is a good choice for longevity, he could chew up a Shaw & Tenney pole in a New York minute. He also says he can’t wait for a demonstration of poling technique.
Looking good c2g!!!
Nice looking pole. Should be nice and tight with all the care you put into making it.
Happy Paddl’n!
total cost
The three pieces of aluminum and the delrin were around $65 including shipping. The two buttons were $6.50 including shipping. The marsh feet were $10 each. I had some epoxy and lag screws left over from previous projects so there was no cost there. It looks like that makes the total cost around $90, although you could do a solid pole for $65 and a two-piece with none of the fancy attachments for $70.
Sources for the materials were Reid Tool www.reidtool.com (the two buttons), Bass Pro Shops (the two marsh feet), and Online Metals www.onlinemetals.com (the three pieces of aluminum and the delrin).
Planning on the everglades…are we?
A thousand thanks!
Thanks for the link - Online Metals is the greatest! I had previously been ordering from McMaster Carr, but Online’s prices seemto be better.
Out of curiosity, what diameter did you use?
I used 1.25" outside diameter with .058" wall thickness for the six foot tubes. I think I used info from Harry Rock’s book on canoe poling as a guide when I was deciding on what to get.
Another ?
Length overall? Or did you use the full 18 ft?
overall length
The overall length is a couple of inches over 12’. The two long sections of tubing are 6’ each, and the third section is a 1’ chunk that I epoxied into one of the long ones to make a poor man’s ferrule.