Here are some pics of my recent canoe project. This is a 30 year old Mad River Endurall I got from my father inlaw
Nice Work !!
I thought I saw that ol canoe smiling , or was that just my imagination !!
What a blast rebuilding MR’s
Totally rebuilt my 17’ MR Explorer thru the month of February and into March. It was alway’s freezing in my barn-garage-shed but the joy of re-doing all the woodwork and putting new gunnels on and getting that completed was a big dose of satisfaction.
Look’s like you did a good job. Any micro ‘blem’s’ only you can see or know about ? You know, …oop’s that hole is off alittle. And what are you going to use for deck plates ?
Oh there’s defiently some oop’s
But none that only myself and my friend that helped me with it will ever know about.
This is the first time I ever did anything like this. I think it turned out pretty well.