Canoe trailer

I’m going to be needing to get a small trailer for my Scanoe, which is one of those plastic, flat-back behemoth canoes Coleman used to make (and still might, I don’t know).

Anyway, I’m worred that a 4x8 utility trailer won’t do the job - that the canoe will be too long to transport safely on it.

I want something that I can pull the boat up onto with a winch, boat trailer style, rather than having to flip the boat over and lift it up onto a trailer.

Any suggestions of ways to get one affordably. New ones are in the $850-$950 range. Too rich for my blood.

There’s a boat trailer on Harbor Freight for $359, but it suggests up to 14’. If anyone has experience with that trailer, let me know if a 16’ Scanoe would be out of line on it.

  • Big D

    p.s. Also posted in B&B. Didn’t put it into the regular advice section purposefully.

Posted a reply over on B&B.
Another thought on the trailer at Harbor Freight, often the toungue on a trailer for 14 foot boat trailer is long enough for a much longer boat. Usually, the winch post is adjustable. The main negative may be the size of the wheels. 8" wheels require the tires to kept inflated properly or they’ll over heat and come apart. Never had the 12" tires, but they may not be much better if not inflated properly. My preference if hauling a trailer is to be able to use car size wheels, at least 13" ones.

you have that 4x8 trailer take it to a local welding shop and have a long tounge welded to it.then build racks for the canoe…It’ll be way cheaper than buying a prebuilt trailer

I need one too…
I’ll be interested to see what you find. I need a small trailer to tow behind my Jetta TDI. Wife sold the jeep so I can’t haul with that anymore. I figure with a trailer I can pull the canoe with anything so long as I have a hitch.

How’s the old scanoe doing? Seemed to do well at the One Lure Challenge last year. Anything planned for this year?

P.S. Thanks again for the help and introducing me last year. :wink:


– Last Updated: Feb-11-08 6:36 AM EST –

I got a 8 by 4 trailer to carry my canoes and kayaks..and its perfect.

i put 2 bar accross the trailer there the same lenght then the full trailer plus the wheels aprox 6 feet widht mabe even a cople inch more.

just make sher the front part is long anaught and dont have any probleme turning and hit the car wit the canoes..

my longest canoe is 15 foot and kayak 14 foot no prob there.


Find a used boat trailer
You can also gat a welder to lengthen the tongue as was mentioned above. That’s what I did.

Found a used one
It’s not the best trailer I’ve ever seen, but the price of the trailer and the modifications I’ll need to do to it, I’ll still be under $300.

I just wish I had the coin to spend for something I didn’t have to modify the heck out of. But don’t.

Countryboy - my pleasure! And many thanks to you for showing me how to put a spinnerbait to good use.

  • Big D

Yea, but you can make it your own
Or, turn it into a teardrop camping trailer.