I can get a new Yakima Bow Down rack for $140. Any reason to pass on that? My kayak: Dagger Alchemy 14L. My car: Toyota Highlander with factory installed cross bars.
good price
if it fits your crossbars, why not?
I just read the reviews here
on paddling.net. Wow – the Yak BowDown got pummeled!! I think I’ll pass on it. Other recommendations welcome.
Malone Sea Wings, but everyone has their own preference. For me these made loading and unloading a breeze, and the price was right if you poke around a bit.
My two cents…
Are you going to leave these on the roof, or remove them when not needed? If you remove them, I’d recommend the AutoLoader from Malone for a J cradle, but if you leave your stuff under the sun, I’d take a metal J cradle any day. Pads can and will need to be replaced. That said, I do live in the subtropics, and Ol’ Sol can be brutal.
Price Point
Near-ish that price point
Yakima Jay-Lo
Sport Rack folding J Cradle (name escapes me at the moment)
This is a simplified version of Thule’s Hullaport PRO.
See you on the water,
The River Connection, Inc.
Hyde Park, NY
see Marshall’s recommendations
I only use padded crossbars but the price looked right for the BowDown.