Caught a video of Marc Ornstein

paddling freestyle . I always considered myself lucky if I could make mine go where I wanted it to.

This might help.

If I still had a canoe.



So fun to watch him and the effects of body and blade on the boat. A couple of years ago there was a video posted here of freestylers paddling a river. Was enthralled how gracefully they moved their canoes across the water. The stroke that really got my attention was the side slip (aka hanging draw). After lots of trial and error, I learned it and use it often.

That said, seeing Marc side slip in both directions without changing his body and paddle position, is that possible in a kayak?

Its a little harder in a kayak partly because of the spoon shape of most Euro blades. It sure is possible with a GP!
The opening angle is always in the direction that you want to go… So plant your blade just by your hip and open it so the front edge is about two inches further from the hull than the back edge… That will pull you and your boat toward the paddle.
To push the boat and you away from the paddle change the angle ( not the placement by the hip…keep that the same) and angle the blade so the front edge is almost touching the boat and the back is a few inches away maybe three…Too big an angle and all you get is braking though.
In a kayak it helps a lot to edge the boat so that the chine is raised on the side the boat is moving to. Kayaks want to go straight more than Marc’s Illusion canoe

You can catch Marc at the Western Pennsylvania Solo Canoe Rendezvous. Free instruction from him and others to help you make paddling less stressful

@kayamedic said:
Its a little harder in a kayak partly because of the spoon shape of most Euro blades. It sure is possible with a GP!
The opening angle is always in the direction that you want to go… So plant your blade just by your hip and open it so the front edge is about two inches further from the hull than the back edge… That will pull you and your boat toward the paddle.
To push the boat and you away from the paddle change the angle ( not the placement by the hip…keep that the same) and angle the blade so the front edge is almost touching the boat and the back is a few inches away maybe three…Too big an angle and all you get is braking though.
In a kayak it helps a lot to edge the boat so that the chine is raised on the side the boat is moving to. Kayaks want to go straight more than Marc’s Illusion canoe

Thanks! Printed your comments and will carry them on deck as soon as the ice is out so I can play with it. Am guessing it’s going to take a lot of experimentation, but that’s always fun.

A lesson in paddling becoming poetry on the water! Always enjoy watching the dancing partners of boat and paddle being conducted by a master.

@Overstreet said:
This might help.

Pretty good tutorial. I might need a few practice to get those tricks done.

Marc has been devoting lots of water time over 20 years
The willingness to learn and practice is key as well as starting with the basics

Might better show one of his performances……….2007

Dressed better than the splash jacket and the music is better.

Overstreet… two different situations. In the former Marc is instructing or demoing with PFD. Likely at a cooler water event like Wisconsin
The latter at the National Championships . As rescue boats are at hand and this is a competition no PFD is used and costumes usually are.

Marc is now designing for Savage River and spends a good bit of time instructing others to paddle more efficiently.

At most of these events ( not Kringlefieber as far as I know though)

So… do you roll up your dress pants for those muddy portages?


@Sparky961 said:
So… do you roll up your dress pants for those muddy portages?

No of course not! You wear your dress Mukluks! B)

Marc’s venues are pure, virgin sand.

I mean…Damn!


@string said:
Marc’s venues are pure, virgin sand.

hmmm… He was log hopping Conewango Creek this last weekend in a dry suit… Which makes him look like the rest of us a court jester.

I am incapable of not responding to castoff, a friend and fellow smart a$$. We are both walking wounded right now and spend too much time here.