Cedar Creek sc at congaree n.p

Me and a bud did about 5 miles up and back from lower cedar Creek access


A group of us paddled from Cedar Creek landing down to the Congree River and then down to the 601 bridge a number of years ago. We camped on the Congree river where Cedar Creek enters the river. I have also paddled from Banister Bridge down to the landing several of times on day trips. Have seen lots of Brown Water Snakes and Cottonmouth Moccasins at times.

no snakes seen on this trip, probably due to cool temps, a buddy made a video of the trip- cedar creek/sparkleberry/okefenokee

The top of the list to revisit is sparkleberry maybe try staying at poinsetta state park.

Ok something weird going on with youtube link- another video from the trip but not the one with cedar creek! Then it magically fixed itself! at 8:41 is a video clip of the trail maintainer thingy muh doo, and some nice pics at the ends of the video